- Now, noise absorptive materials are standard features of all new highways. 今天,新建的高速公路都铺上吸音物料。
- Micro-coiled carbon fibers are of great potential as electromagnetic absorptive materials and hydrogen storage medium because of their excellent physical and chemical properties. 摘要螺旋炭纤维具有优异的物理和化学特性,在电磁波吸波材料、氢气存储等领域极具应用价值。
- The structures compounds were measurese by MS and IR.Conclusion NH vibration absorptions of host-guest complexes and the nitroge... 结论由IR中N-H伸缩频率可以研究四氮杂环蕃与含氮杂环的分子识别行为。
- Micro-coiled carbon fibers are of great potential as electromagnetic absorptive materials and hydrogen storage medium because of their excellent phys ical and chemical properties. 螺旋炭纤维具有优异的物理和化学特性,在电磁波吸波材料、氢气存储等领域极具应用价值。
- The automobile seat is an important component that influences the automobile comfort and it is the most improvable component in automotive vibration absorption. 汽车座椅是影响汽车舒适性的重要部件之一,在我国,汽车座椅在动态舒适性方面的重要性还未引起相关企业的足够重视,座椅的设计及研发手段还相当落后。
- This thesis selects hydrotalcite as selective IR absorption material by its characters of layer and ion-exchangeable. 本论文利用水滑石层状结构特点和层间离子的可交换性,将其作为选择性红外吸收材料。
- In the air blower and the blade carrier installs air noise reduce and absorption material, the movement noise is lower than 75 decibels. 风机风箱、风刀室内安装降噪音、吸音材料,运行噪音低于75分贝。
- Inside wall of pump chamber is adhibited with sound absorption material, equipped with double layer sound isolation door. 水泵房等房间内壁贴吸声材料。采用双层隔音门。
- The paper chooses the appropriate muffler,and experiments with the capability of sound absorption material,and designs the dustproof project. 本文通过选择合适的消声器以及吸声材料实验和防尘方案的设计。
- Commonly conventional radars can not discover the stealth target with optimized design and covered with microwave absorption material. 对于优化设计和涂有吸波材料的隐身目标一般用常规雷达无法发现。
- The material is flawed throughout. 这种材料到处是裂缝。
- Scattering fields of complex target coated with anisotropic radar absorption material(ARAM) were calculated using the method of graphical electromagnetic computing. 采用图形电磁计算方法分析涂敷各向异性雷达吸波材料的简单及复杂目标的电磁散射.
- Amidoxime resin is the best uranium absorption material in the sea water due to its special structure of functional group and excellent absorption property. 偕胺肟型螯合树脂以其特殊的官能团结构、优良的吸附性能而成为从海水中提取铀的最佳材料。
- Damping Vibration Absorption System 阻尼减振器
- suspended vibration Absorption system 悬挂建筑减振体系
- Finally, the future of noise active control is proposed, that is design theory and method of sound interdict strap, active sound absorption and research of new absorption material. 最后,提出噪声控制工程的未来发展方向,即:声学禁带设计理论与方法,主动吸声,新型吸声材料的研究。
- Influence of the wasters of the piezoelectric ceramic products in the different procedures to damping property of vibration absorptive chloro- butyl rubber 不同生产阶段产生的压电陶瓷废品对氯化丁基橡胶阻尼减振性能的影响
- He insists the condition to use the best material. 他坚持以使用最好的材料为条件。
- That material surpasses all others in fineness. 那种材料精良超过其他所有材料。
- The problem is how we are to get the raw material. 问题是我们怎样得到原材料。