- He tumbled back against the slick damp wall. 他在光滑潮湿的墙上摔了个跟头。
- Too damp walls degrees, so the MLB moldy wall, blistering. 墙壁潮湿度太大,所以靠墙的多层板发霉、起泡。
- It is found that the vibration damping performemce of the graft copolymer was affected by the amount of PVMS. 大分子硅单体的加入大大改善了丙烯酸酯共聚物的低温阻尼性能,而引发剂用量对共聚物的阻尼性能影响较小。
- Pull vibration damper off of the crankshaft. 将减震器从曲轴上拉下。
- Inspect/replace the vibration damper. 检视/更换减震器。
- This Tungsten part is not only a counterweight, but is also vibration damping and thereby improving the audio quality. 录音机音质微调钮含有钨平衡块,该钨块,还能防震从而改进机器质量。
- She propped herself against the cold, damp wall with the baby in one hand and a bottle of gin in the other. 她靠在冰冷潮湿的墙上,一手抱着小孩,一手拿着一瓶杜松子酒。
- According to the function mechanisms, polymeric noise reduction composites were classified as vibration damping, sound absorption and sound insulation materials. 降噪材料按降噪机理可分为阻尼减振材料、声材料和隔声材料。
- Cures at room temperature to a transparent gel, The cured gel state provides excellent mechanical cushioning and vibration damping for delicate electronic assemblies. 室温固化成透明凝胶,固化后的凝胶对于精密电子组件有着良好的机械缓冲和减振作用,且具有低温性能。
- The vibration damping steel sheet(VDSS) laminated by steel sheets and polymer is a new type of material which has quickly developed at home and abroad in recent years. 由钢板和高分子材料复合制得的减振钢板是近年来国内外迅速发展的新型材料,具有显著的减振、降噪的作用,是振动、噪声场合替代纯金属板材的理想环保产品。
- Chein-Jie,Tung, Tzu-Chien Hsu. Vibration damping with urethane/acrylate simultaneous semi-interpenetrating polymer networks[J]. J Appl Polym Sci,1992,46(10):1759-1773. 秦川丽;蔡俊;张巨生;等.;宽温域高阻尼互穿聚合物网络材料的结构与性能研究[J]
- Remove vibration damper bolt and washer from end of crankshaft. 从曲轴端拆下减震器螺栓和垫圈。
- The results of simulation and prototype test indicated that the designing theory of the multi-DOF vibration damping platform is correct and appropriate. 样机仿真和试验分析结果表明,两平移两转动多自由度减振平台设计理论和分析方法是正确可行的。
- This paper introduce the processing techniques, vibration damping characteristics, for mability, durability weldability and applications of the laminated steel sheet. 本文论述了此材料的制造方法,减振性能,成形性能,耐久性能,焊接性能及其用途。
- Ball mills are the main source of noise pollution in power plants.Noise isolation hoods are most suitable for noise absorption, vibration damping and sound isolation. 钢球磨煤机噪声是电厂的主要噪声源之一,采用隔声罩能发挥吸声、减振、隔声的作用。
- Low viscosity, cures at room temperature to a transparent gel, The cured gel state provides excellent mechanical cushioning and vibration damping for delicate electronic assemblies. 低粘度,室温固化成透明凝胶,固化后的凝胶对于精密电子组件有着良好的机械缓冲和减振作用,且具有低温性能。
- Remove vibration damper (refer to vibration damper removal in this section). 拆卸减震器(请参阅本节中的减震器拆卸)。
- White material taken from the damp walls of caverns. When combined with sulfuric acid, saltpeter produces nitric acid by distillation. In addition, saltpeter is one of the. 从山洞潮湿的墙壁上获得的白色物质。使用蒸馏的方法,硝石和硫酸作用可产生硝酸。另外,硝石也是制造黑色火药的原料之一。
- The shutters thumped the wall in the wind. 在风中百叶窗砰砰地碰在墙上。
- This paper summarizes the results of researches on track vibration damping and noise reduction for Tianjin Metro Line 1, such as the new-type high-elastic vibration damping fastening and block sleepers with rubber-plastic boots. 摘要在天津地铁1号线轨道系统中,采用新型高弹性减振扣件、新型橡塑套靴弹性短轨枕等减振降噪的创新技术。