- vibratory hopper feeder 振动料斗送料器
- automatic weighting hopper feeder 自动称重喂毛机
- vibratory bowl hopper feeder 振动圆盘送料器
- vibratory in-line hopper feeder 直进式振动送料器
- Textile machinery - Hopper feeder for cotton spinning - Terms and definitions; principles of construction 纺织机械。棉纺工艺用棉箱给棉机。术语和定义。结构原理
- The little boy is a noisy feeder. 这个小男孩吃东西时发出响声。
- double hopper feeder 双棉箱给棉机
- oil jet hopper feeder 喷油式料斗送料器
- To move a hopper or stacker upward or downward. 上下移动送卡箱或接卡箱。
- rivet hopper feeder 铆钉的漏斗送料机构
- magnetic disc hopper feeder 磁盘料斗送料器
- Vibratory Roller and Vibratory Compaction II. 振动压路机与振动压实技术2。
- air jet hopper feeder 空气式料斗喂料器
- Capableof or adapted to vibratory motion. 能够或适于震动的。
- Capable of or adapted to vibratory motion. 能够或适于震动的
- blending hopper feeder 混棉给棉机
- Many names have been put into the hopper. 许多名字已加入到名单中。
- The birds peeped exactly as we refilled the feeder. 当我们再加饲料的时候,小鸟就唧唧喳喳叫个不停。
- Mrs Van Hopper gave her fat laugh. 范·霍珀太太纵声大笑。
- Each LifeLine Fund is a feeder fund. 生命线基金是支线基金的一种。