- First, we analysis and create general theoretical model of video segmentation. 首先讨论和建立了视频分割的一般理论模型。
- Video segmentation is an important step in image recognition and in video coding based on MPEG 4 standard. 无论是在图象识别 ;还是在基于 MPEG- 4的图象压缩编码等应用领域 ;视频对象分割提取是其中一个很重要的技术环节 .
- A fast algorithm for MPEG video segmentation based on macroblock (MB) types was presented. 摘要提出了一种基于宏块信息的快速MPEG压缩视频场景分割算法。
- Video segmentation is to separate the meaningful object semantically from video sequences. 视频分割就是从视频序列中分割出在语义上有意义的对象。
- A fast algorithm for MPEG compressed video segmentation based on macroblock(MB) types is presented in this paper. 摘要 提出了一种基于宏块信息的快速的MPEG压缩视频场景分割算法。
- Abstract A fast algorithm for MPEG video segmentation based on macroblock (MB) types was presented. 摘要 提出了一种基于宏块信息的快速MPEG压缩视频场景分割算法。
- After reviewed and compared the existing video segmentation methods, the previous application of CNN in that field is introduced. 本文讨论了细胞神经网络用于视频运动分割研究的意义,介绍了现有的视频分割算法以及细胞神经网络在该研究领域的发展动态。
- The intention of his video segment was to document how my boy made 360 degrees turns. 录影带区分的目的;是要记录我儿子如何做到360度的旋转.
- Meanwhile, speaker information can also be used in semantic video segmentation, high-level video features extraction, anchorperson detection and etc. 与此同时,说话人的信息还可以用于检测视频的语义切换、提取独白等和说话人有关的高层语义特征、新闻视频中的主持人查找等不同的视频处理任务。
- Abstract A fast algorithm for MPEG compressed video segmentation based on macroblock(MB) types is presented in this paper. 摘要 提出了一种基于宏块信息的快速的MPEG压缩视频场景分割算法。
- This paper introduces video segmentation of temporal segmentation and spatial segmentation,presents a video object segmentation algorithm based on multi-frames difference. 文章介绍了基于内容的时域及空域视频分割技术,提出了一种基于多帧差异的视频对象分割算法。
- A large number of video segmentation techniques have been developed in recent years.All of them can be classified into two groups, uncompressed field and compressed field. 近年来在视频分割领域出现了大量算法,这些算法总体上来说可以分为压缩域和非压缩域两类。
- The essential steps for content based video indexing are video segmentation, key frame selection, static and dynamic feature extraction and video clustering. 基于内容的视频索引中的主要步骤有视频分割、关键帧的选择、静态特征与动态特征的提取以及视频聚类等。
- Buckingham Palace will to " royal channel " the video material that uploads queen and member of other imperial court, and upload new video segment regularly. 白金汉宫将向“皇家频道”上传女王和其他王室成员的视频资料,并且定期上传新的视频片断。
- An hierarchical block matching motion estimation algorithm considering the characteristic of video segmentation is presented.This algorithm can be executed with fast speed and high PSNR. 摘要本文在考虑视频分割特点的基础上,提出了一种分层块匹配的运动估计方法,这种估计方法有较快的估计速度和较高的峰值信噪比。
- This was done by showing them a series of captioned video segments and asking them how they liked the caption speed. 这项研究是通过放映一系列字幕电视片段给他们看,并询问观众对字幕速度的喜好来完成。
- Experiments on different video segmentations prove the simplicity, high-accuracy, and robustness of this method. 选用不同视频截图实验,结果表明该方法简单,具有较高的正确率、精度和鲁棒性。
- Conventional video segmentations usually use low-level features to extract object. 传统的视频分割通常利用低级特征提取对象。
- Video segmentation based on inte r-frame motion 基于帧间运动的视频分割
- In video disk, a consecutive sequence of frames. 在视频光盘上,一种连续的帧序列。