- But he's viewed with suspicion by many Japanese for his egotistic streak. 但是日本民众对小泽一郎的自负颇为不满。
- Now from what I have observed, if there's one thing Chinese schools view with suspicion, it is free-form playfulness. 现在据我观察,如果说有一件事中国的学校是持怀疑态度,那就是形式自由地在玩中学。
- I regard his behaviour with suspicion. 我对他的行为感到怀疑。
- We regard her behaviour with suspicion. 我们对她的行为有怀疑。
- He regarded our plans with suspicion. 他对我们的计画有怀疑。
- McCain's aides viewed with suspicion by the Perrin change from her recent performance in some. 麦凯恩的助手们疑心佩林有变源于她近来一些表现。
- If the virtuoso is also powerful he is as much admired as feared,as much lionized as berated.Even his newly acquired humor was viewed with suspicion as well as amusement. 如果加上这位名人是有权有势的,那么人们就难免又敬又畏,且捧且骂,甚至此人新学来的幽默话听起来也是既逗乐,又生疑。
- In some cultures, arbitration has the same stigma as court proceedings, both of which are viewed with suspicion and as personal insults. 在一些文化当中,仲裁具有与诉讼相同的恶名,人们对二者皆抱怀疑态度,认为它们是对人身的侮辱。
- By the end of the crisis, China, previously viewed with suspicion by its Asian neighbors, had built a reputation as a benevolent regional power. 危机结束的时候,之前被其亚洲邻居用狐疑的眼光看待的中国,树立起了一个仁慈的地区性强权的声望。
- Let’s assume for the sake of argument that reporters are viewed with suspicion or loathing by the political or business leaders they cover. 为了我们的讨论让我们先假设政治和经济领导人都怀疑、反感访问他们的记者。
- If the virtuoso is also powerful he is as much admired as feared,as much lionized as berated. Even his newly acquired humor was viewed with suspicion as well as amusement. 如果加上这位名人是有权有势的,那么人们就难免又敬又畏,且捧且骂,甚至此人新学来的幽默话听起来也是既逗乐,又生疑。
- Their endeavors are viewed with suspicion by many scholars here as part of an increasingly acrimonious debate over the role of Sanskrit in schools and society. 但当印度有关梵文在校园及社会角色的讨论愈来愈激烈的时候,很多学者对这些团体的目标都有所怀疑。
- In any case, "where they are heard, they're viewed with suspicion because they promote the national viewpoint without acknowledging the diversity of listenership. 在那里,他们的声音遭到质疑,因为他们提倡国家的观点,不承认听众的多样性。
- Although the 1933 Glass-Steagall act, which separated investment banks and commercial banks, was repealed in 1999, the universal model is still viewed with suspicion in America. 尽管旨在分离投行与商业银行的1933格拉斯-斯蒂格尔法案已于1999废止,在美国仍人们普遍对全能银行表示怀疑。
- He eyed the three strangers with suspicion. 他以怀疑的目光注视着那三个陌生人。
- Though viewed with suspicion by the specialists, these testimonies are seemingly confirmed by the excavations which, notably, have brought to light two different types of columns on the site. 虽然专家还是怀疑,但挖掘者指出这些证词表面上似乎是确定的,特别是因为两种不同样式的柱子被发现。
- The changes were greeted with suspicion. 这些变革受到人们的怀疑。
- He took an heiress to wife and was regarded with suspicion by her family. 他娶了个女继承人为妻子,女方家庭对他的结婚动机抱有怀疑。
- View is the view with which column is associated. view是与column关联的视图。
- He expressed his view with candor. 他以坦率的心情表明自己的见解。