- The basic idea was to take a materialistic view of human nature. 此想法的基本概念,就是以唯物主义的观点看待人性。
- Our sports, in this rather happy, no fatalistic view of human nature, are more splendid creations of the nondatable , transspecies play impulse. 我们很快乐的一些运动,并非源于宿命观点认为的人体本能,而更多是在无数的、种类敏繁多的游戏冲动后的精彩创造。
- Perhaps naively, I have inclined towards a less cynical view of human nature than Ivan Karamazov. 或许很天真地,我倾向于对人类本性不像伊凡.;卡拉玛佐夫那么愤世嫉俗的观点。
- Eastern Christianity, which takes a less pessimistic view of human nature than Augustine or Aquinas did, has answers to such dilemmas; so has Buddhism. 东正教在人类本性的问题上比奥古斯丁或阿奎那的意见稍乐观,对于此类两难困境自有答案;佛教亦有自己的解决之道。
- Our sports, in this rather happy, no fatalistic view of human nature, are more splendid creations of the no datable, trans-species play impulse. 从这种比较豁达和非宿命的人性观来看,我们的运动是超时代、跨物种的辉煌的创造。
- Our sports, in this rather happy, nonfatalistic view of human nature, are more splendid creations of the nondatable, transspecies play impulse. 从这种比较豁达和非宿命的人性观来看,我们的运动是超时代、跨物种的辉煌的创造。
- Finally, the writer also introduces Donald J.Munro"s own views of human nature. 另外,笔者还介绍了孟旦自己的人性论观点。
- His conception of human nature is skewed. 他对人性的看法带有偏见。
- One of the frailties of human nature is laziness. 人性的弱点之一是懒惰。
- The essential view of life and emphasized experience of being of Zhang Ailing is nihility in the meaning of human nature,from which absurdity, anxiety, loneli ness and desperation origin inher essays. 张爱玲的散文反映出的存在主义的实存状态观,即人的存在在本源性意义上的虚无,以及由此而来的那种根本性的荒诞、焦虑、孤独和绝望,成为张爱玲基本的人生观和她着重表现的存在体验。
- He is too worldly-wise to expect too much of human nature. 他太世故了,所以对人性无多奢求。
- Such a view will definitely lead to the emphasis or even admiration of sage politics, which is the root of the key problem of this self-contradiction in Xun Kuang's view of human nature. 荀子的人性论必然导致对圣人或圣王政治的强调甚至崇拜,这是其人性思想的社会论意义。荀子人性思想自身矛盾的症结,则在于他对于圣人或圣王统治的强调。
- From the point of view of human nature, the paper expounds Erich Fromm s critical social theory in respects of human freedom, human character, human living style and human alienation. 本论文从人性角度出发,分别从人的自由、人的性格、人的生存方式和人的异化等方面论述弗罗姆的批判的社会理论。
- Practicality is the basic feature of Marxism philosophy and significant theoretic characteristic of Marx's view of humanized nature. 摘要实践性是马克思主义哲学的根本特点,也是马克思人化自然观的重要理论特征。
- One of his frailties of human nature is laziness. 他的弱点之一是懒惰。
- How adequate is this view of human character? 这个关于人类个性的观点适不适切?
- He's a shrewd reader of human nature. 他是个能敏锐察识人性的人。
- an oversimplified view of human nature 对人性过于简单化的看法
- There's a good deal of human nature in man. 人身上存有相当多的人性。
- Early modern humanities publicized the subjectivism view of human nature to emphasize the humanistic concerns of Agape (loves in the heaven) and Eros (loves in the earth) in science studies. 现代人文文化通过彰显生命意志的人性观,揭示奠基于生活世界的多样的人文追求。