- view toward emotion 情感观
- You have original view toward this problem. 对这个问题你有独到的见解
- Farmers and campers have different points of view toward rain. 农民和野营者对下雨的看法不同。
- A Converse View toward Macro Economic Control: What Capacity We Should Have? 逆向思考宏观调控:我们应该具备什么能力?
- Teaching history gave him a special point of view toward current events. 教授历史使他对当代事件持有独特的观点。
- They usually hold an optimistic view towards life. 他们通常都有积极乐观的生活态度。
- The preparation of a programming routine with a view toward optimizing or idealizing the specific situation. 以使特定环境优化或理想化为目标而编写的程序。
- I crafted each sample with a view toward illustrating a particular issue or technique that the text discusses. 我用图像构思了每一个例子为了说明一个详细的结果或者文本说明的技巧。
- The study of the detrimental effects of modern civilization on the environment, with a view toward prevention or reversal through conservation. 环境保护学以现代文明对环境产生的有害影响为研究对象的学科,目的是通过保护达到预防或控制的效果
- His staff of experts, each armed with clipboard and stopwatch, studied individual workers with a view toward eliminating unnecessary movement. 他的专家组每人配有带弹簧夹子的书写板和秒表用来研究每个工人,使他们不能偷懒。
- Hello everyone! I am fill with elation to share my own view toward this topic here with all of you ,It is such a wonderfull thing. 大家好;很高兴能在这里和大家分享我对这个话题的看法.;真是件美妙的事情
- Eisenbud, David. Commutative Algebra With a View Toward Algebraic Geometry. Vol. 150, Graduate Texts in Mathematics. New York: Springer-Verlag, 1994. ISBN: 0387942696. 《用代数几何的观点的交换代数》。研究生数学教材第150卷。纽约:斯普林格出版社,1994年版。书号:0387942696。
- While listening to the vivid language of the sermons I was pulled toward emotional belief. 聆听着这些布道的生动语言,在精神上我被吸引得信服了。
- The workers hold different views towards this plan. 工人们对他的计划有不同的观点
- Che Wan Wan: Our views towards love? 车婉婉:我们的爱情观?
- With a view toward the future, methodological conceptualization as well as intellectual and spiritual resources may originate from cultures other than the modern West. 展望未来,无论是智性资源和精神资源,还是方法论的概念化都可能源自现代西方以外的文化。
- The seventh is view toward divorce of them, and some assumptive prognostication on divorce, as well as the attitude toward out-marriage loving andhomosexuality. 研究生对离婚的看法以及假设性的离婚行为的预测,对婚外恋以及同性恋的态度。
- Sunny e. G. Do you always hold such a sunny, optimistic view towards life? 你总是对生活抱如此明朗、乐观的态度吗?
- He is a gloomy person, who always holds a pessimistic view towards things. 他就是个愁人,无论什么事总是想不开。
- The IDE has also been redesigned with a view toward providing developers with more direct access to the.NET Framework components, such as the new settings and resource architecture. IDE还进行了重新设计;从而向开发人员提供对.;NET Framework组件(如新的设置和资源体系结构)的更直接访问。