- Political power or influence; clout. 权势政治权力或影响力; 神通,力量,影响
- village political power 乡镇政权
- Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun. 枪杆子里面出政权。
- Political power or influence;clout. 权势政治权力或影响力;神通,力量,影响
- Political power depends upon economic strength. 政治权力取决于经济实力。
- Whether it's the political power of the many. 不论是大众的政治权力。
- The king cannot exercise much political power . 国王不能行使过多的政治权力。
- The King cannot exercise much political power. 这位国王能行使的政治权力并不多。
- They wield enormous political power. 他们行使巨大的政治权力。
- Their political power is on the wane. 他们的政治势力逐渐减弱。
- The King ca ot exercise much political power. 这位国王能行使的政治权力并不多。
- Blacks say their political power has been diluted. 而且黑人族群说他们的政治权利也被忽视了。
- Economic forces act as a check on political power. 经济力量是对政治权利的一种制衡。
- In those days only the nobility possessed political power. 那时候只有贵族享有政治权力。
- Why is That Red Political Power can Exist in China? 中国的红色政权为什么能够存在?
- No such political power exists as yet in the Kuomintang areas. 在国民党统治区域,则还没有这种政权。
- They could not ensure a smooth transfer of political power. 他们无法保证政权的顺利交接。
- Why is it that Red political power can exist in China? 中国的红色政权为什么能够存在?
- In other states political power was more widely dispersed. 在其它的州,政治权力比较分散。
- The transference of political power is through fair elections. 政治权力的转移通过公正的选举。