- The formulations for nitrile rubber sealing material modified with pasted poly vinyl chloride resin by grafting process at high temperature were designed. 设计采用高温接枝工艺制备聚氯乙烯糊状树脂改性丁腈橡胶密封材料的配方,考察聚氯乙烯添加量对材料性能的影响。
- Vinyl chloride resin coating for outside plating of steel ship 板用聚氯乙烯树脂涂料
- Vinyl Chloride Co-polymers, Polyvinyl Butyrals, Thixotropy Resin. 聚氯乙烯共聚物、聚乙烯醇缩丁醛、触变性树脂。
- vinyl chloride resin primer 氯乙烯树脂底漆
- vinyl chloride resin 氯乙烯树脂
- Homopolymer and copolymer resins of vinyl chloride. 氯乙烯均聚物和共聚物树脂。
- Vinyl alkyd coatings are based on the blend of a copolymer ( or more commonly terpolymer ) of vinyl chloride, vinyl acetate, and vinyl alcohol with a compatible alkyd resin. 乙烯基多元醇酸涂料是氯乙烯、醋酸乙烯和乙烯醇共聚物(或其它的三元共聚物)和相容的多元醇酸树脂的共混物。
- Specification for Nonrigid Vinyl Chloride Plastic Sheeting (08. 非刚性氯乙烯塑料薄板的规范(08。
- The progress in the production technology for PVC resin and its raw material vinyl chloride were introduced,and the varieties and application field of PVC products were discussed. 介绍了聚氯乙烯生产原料氯乙烯及聚氯乙烯树脂的生产技术进展情况,探讨了聚氯乙烯制品的品种及应用领域。
- The crosslinking of poly(vinyl chloride)(PVC) paste resin separately by 2 dibutylamino 4,6 dimercapto s triazine (DB) and N (2 aminoethyl) 3 aminopropyltrimethoxysilane(ATMS) was investigated. 以2二正丁胺基4,6二巯基均三嗪和N(2氨乙基)3氨丙基三甲氧基硅烷为交联剂分别对聚氯乙烯糊树脂进行交联。
- The sticky kettle and antisticking principles of vinyl chloride were analysed. 分析了氯乙烯聚合过程的粘釜和防粘机理。
- The alloy with main materals of acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene resin (ABS), high polymerization degree of poly(vinyl chloride) (HPVC),ACR as the compatibilizer,and with other agents was investigated. 研究了采用丙烯腈 -丁二烯 -苯乙烯树脂 (ABS) ,高聚合度聚氯乙烯 (HPVC)为主体材料 ,丙烯酸酯类共聚物改性剂 (ACR)为增容剂 ,并配以其它助剂制备 ABS/ HPVC合金。
- The test method for determining residual vinyl chloride monomer content in parts per billion level in PVC resin by capillary column gas chromatography headspace technique is suggested. 提出用大口径毛细管顶空进样气相色谱法对聚氯乙烯树脂中十亿分之一级残留氯乙烯含量的测量方法。
- vinyl chloride-vinylidene chloride resin 氯乙烯偏氯乙烯树脂
- Autocontrol technology in stripping process of polyvinyl chloride resin production,and good effect in realization application were introduced. 介绍了聚氯乙烯树脂生产汽提工序中采用的自动控制技术,以及在实际应用中的良好效果。
- Test Methods for Nonrigid Vinyl Chloride Polymer Tubing Used for Electrical Insulation (10. 电绝缘用非刚性氯乙烯聚合物管的试验方法(10。
- Briefly introduced the production method of balanced oxychlorination producing Vinyl Chloride Monomer(VCM). 简要介绍了平衡氧氯化法生产氯乙烯(VCM)的生产方法。
- Objective To study effects of low concentration vinyl chloride(VC) on DNA damage in peripheral lymphocytes. 目的 探索低浓度氯乙烯对外周血淋巴细胞DNA 损伤效应。
- This paper introduces a research on the diffusion of Vinyl Chloride Monomer (VCM) from PVC pipe into water phase. 本文首先从硬聚氯乙烯(upvc)管扩散入水中的氯乙烯单体(VCM)的机理和动力学入手。
- Solution vinyl coating are based on copolymers or terpolymers of vinyl chloride, vinyl acetate, and other monomers. 可溶解乙烯基树脂是氯乙烯、醋酸乙烯和其它单体共聚物或三元共聚合物。