- Total size of the virtual address space, including shared pages. 虚拟地址空间的总体大小,包括共享页面。
- All threads of a process share its virtual address space and system resources. 进程中的所有线程都分享了其进程中虚拟地址空间与系统资源。
- Typically, an OS assigns each program its own virtual address space. 典型的例子是,OS为每个程序分配自己的虚拟地址空间。
- With Exchange 2000, administrators may have experienced issues regarding virtual address space management. 使用Exchange 2000时,管理员可能会遇到与虚拟地址空间管理有关的问题。
- Its purpose is to dump an overview of the virtual address space and resident set for a particular process. 它的目的是转储特定进程的虚拟地址空间和驻留集。
- AWE should be used only when available physical memory is greater than user-mode virtual address space. 只有当可用物理内存大于用户模式的虚拟地址空间时,才应该使用AWE。
- Continuously appending strings to StringBuilder objects can result in virtual address space fragmentation. 连续不断地将字符串追加到StringBuilder对象可能会产生虚拟地址空间碎片。
- If the available physical memory is greater than the user mode virtual address space, AWE can be activated. 如果可用物理内存大于用户模式虚拟地址空间,则可以激活AWE。
- If the available physical memory is less than the user mode virtual address space, AWE cannot be activated. 如果可用物理内存小于用户模式虚拟地址空间,则无法激活AWE。
- If the available physical memory is less than the user mode virtual address space, AWE cannot be enabled. 如果可用物理内存小于用户模式虚拟地址空间,则无法启用AWE。
- This results in failure to allocate memory due to virtual address space fragmentation. 这样会由于虚拟地址空间碎片而导致内存分配失败。
- All threads owned by an application share the same user mode virtual address space. 应用程序拥有的所有线程都共享同一个用户模式虚拟地址空间。
- Reserves virtual address space for Hot Add memory metadata when AWE is enabled with 32-bit SQL Server 2005. 为使用32位的SQL Server 2005启用AWE时的热添加内存元数据保留虚拟地址空间。
- Number of 8-KB buffers in the buffer pool that are directly accessible in the process virtual address space. 在进程虚拟地址空间中可直接访问的缓冲池中的8 KB缓冲区数。
- Then user process could read the memory parameter from proc, and use mmap function to map this memory to its virtual address space. 请教诸位高手,小弟想实现内核空间和用户空间的公享内存,该怎么做?请教诸位高手,小弟想实现内核空间和用户空间的公享内存来避免内核和用户空间的拷贝,请问该如何实现?
- Exchange Server 2003 includes a number of new tuning enhancements such as link state traffic and virtual address space management. Exchange Server 2003中新增了许多调整功能,例如链路状态通信和虚拟地址空间管理。
- The VirtualQueryEx function provides information about a range of pages within the virtual address space of a specified process. 该函数提供了指定进程的虚拟地址空间的一定页面范围内的信息。
- These changes to the large object heap have effectively eliminated memory allocation failures caused by this form of virtual address space fragmentation. 对大型对象堆所做的这些更改可有效地消除由虚拟地址空间碎片引起的内存分配失败。
- Microsoft Windows operating systems provide applications with access to 2 GB of process address space, specifically known as user mode virtual address space. 对于Microsoft Windows操作系统,应用程序可以访问2 GB的进程地址空间,称为用户模式虚拟地址空间。
- A process has a virtual address space, executable code, data, object handles, environment variables, a base priority, and minimum and maximum working set sizes. 进程有虚拟地址空间、可执行代码、数据、对象句柄、环境变量、基本优先级、最小与最大工作集大小。