- virtual load model 虚拟负荷模型
- Furthermore, an instance of double disk load model was adopted to numerate the spatial and time distribution of pore water pressure. 并选取常用的双圆荷载计算模型,对饱水沥青路面孔隙水压力的空间和时间分布进行计算。
- An application of Prony method in identification of power system dynamic load model[J].Automation of Electric Power Systems,1997,21 (1):21-24. Prony算法在电力系统负荷动态模型辨识中的应用研究[J].;电力系统自动化;1997;21(1):21-24
- The article has done some research related to residential heating and wetting devices, which has built static load model. 对常用的家用电加热加湿负荷进行了试验研究,并建立了静态负荷模型。
- The study on digifax of integrated water resource plan of Taihu basin set up a digital system over the lake basin, which included pollution load model and the water quality model. 摘要太湖流域水资源综合规划数模研究建立了一个覆盖全流域的,包括污染负荷模型、河网湖泊相耦合的水量水质模型的数字流域系统。
- The transient angle stability margin and critical clearing time are computed by FASTEST under different proportion of dynamic electric load model using in Henan Power Grid. 以河南电网为例,采用暂态安全定量分析软件FASTEST计算了不同动态负荷模型比例时的暂态功角稳定裕度和临界切除时间。
- S. Rehman and K. Rinaldy, “An Efficient Load Model for Analyzing DemandSide Management Impact,” IEEE Trans. on Power Systems, Vol.8, No. 3,pp.1219-1227, August 1993. 陈朝顺,王俊超,康渼松,黄钟庆,黄佳文,“台电日负载组成温度影响评估”,九十年节约能源论文发表会论文集,页209-217,2001。
- You can now use more realistic load modeling options for running load tests. 现在可以使用更真实的负载建模选项来运行负载测试。
- Click Save Model or Load Model. 单击“保存模型”或“装入模型”。
- To ensure the calculation precision and efficiency of the tube hydroforming process when using the dynamic explicit FEM,the effect of the virtual loading time was taken into account herein. 为保证管件液压成形动力显式有限元仿真的计算精度和提高计算效率,研究了虚拟加载时间对计算精度和计算效率的影响。
- A high precision chaotic optimization strategy was applied to parameter identification of power system static load model and the deficiency of traditional methods were effectively overcome which are easily being trapped in local optima. 将一种高精度的混沌优化策略用于电力系统静态负荷模型参数辨识,克服了传统的基于梯度寻优的辨识方法容易陷入局部最优点的不足。
- A method which can quickly determine the transient voltage stability of power system considering the third order induction motor paralleled with const impedance dynamic load model was presented. 提出一种负荷采用三阶感应电动机并联恒阻抗动态模型时系统暂态电压稳定快速判断的方法。
- A study of ride comfort for motorcycle based on virtual load 基于虚拟道路的摩托车乘骑舒适性研究
- ZIP load model is used to calculate the PV curves of the power system, and some meaningful conclusions are drawn by comparing its result with which constant power load model is used. 采用了ZIP负荷模型来计算系统的PV曲线,并与采用恒功率负荷模型时的结果进行了比较,得出了一些有实际意义的结论。
- To improve the traditionally used load models for probabilistic analysis, this paper presents a new load model based on K-means cluster analysis. 针对概率分析中目前普遍采用的两种负荷模型的不足之处,提出了基于K均值聚类分析的负荷模型。
- The dynamic load model of the A/C arc furnace is derived based on the actual field data and has been included in the computer simulation by the CYME software package for load flow analysis. 另外当外部台电系统发生故障时,本钢铁厂之电力系统能够及时和责任分界点之连结线解联并且执行卸载,以防止汽电共生机组于暂态扰动后发生跳脱,而维持供电系统的可靠度。
- You now have more flexible ways to control the load modeling in load tests that you run. 现在可以通过更灵活的方式在所运行的负载测试中控制负载建模。
- These children were in a state of virtual neglect. 这些孩子实际上处于无人照管的状态。
- It makes the use of actual load parameter easier and the theoretic research of load modeling practical. 该软件使得运方科的分析人员可以非常方便地使用负荷实测参数,实现了负荷建模研究的工程实用化,并受到用户好评。
- A power load modeling system founded on measurement-based method is presented in brief. 介绍了基于总体测辨法的电力负荷建模系统的功能和界面,其功能主要包括静态负荷建模和动态负荷建模。