- Opening such a project in Microsoft Project 98 will display the Macro Virus Warning dialog box. 在Microsoft Project 98中打开此类项目将会显示“宏病毒警告”对话框。
- If the document does not contain macros, Word does not show the macro virus warning message described in the "Symptoms" section of this article. 如果文档不包含宏,Word不显示宏病毒警告消息"症状"部分了本文所述。
- WD2000: Macro Virus Warning Message When Using Word 使用Word时WD2000:宏病毒警告信息
- The following macro virus warning message appears 出现以下宏病毒警告消息
- The teacher let him off the hook with a warning this time. 这一次老师放过他,只给了一个警告。
- I'm warning you for the last time stop talking! 我最後一次警告你--不要再说话了。
- She sounded a note of warning in her speech. 她在讲话中表示要引起警惕。
- Warning notices were strung out along the motorway. 高速公路上隔一段距离就有一个示警牌。
- Building society is warning of mortgage rationing. 住宅互助协会警告说要限额分配抵押借款。
- The car had its hazard warning lights on. 这辆汽车亮起了危险信号灯。
- The sirens sounded an air-raid warning. 汽笛响起了空袭警报。
- A gale warning has just been put out. 刚才发出了大风警报。
- They attacked without a warning. 他们不宣而战。
- A main feature of computer virus. 计算机病毒的一种主要特性。
- The whole building resounded the siren's warning. 整个大楼回响着警报声。
- The fire-alarm is giving warning of fire. 报警器正发出火警警报。
- The government put out a warning against flood. 政府发出了预防水灾的警告。
- The flu virus infected almost the entire class. 全班几乎人人都染上了流行性感冒病毒。
- Your timely warning saved our lives. 你的及时警告救了我们的命。
- The wall caved in without the slightest warning. 事先大家毫无察觉的情况下墙塌了。