- China and Russia have come to a mutual agreement on exempting visa requirement. 中国与俄罗斯两国订有互免签证协议。
- Q: Is a visa required to enter Botswana? 问:进入博茨瓦纳需要签证吗?
- We are in contact with some of the consulates and embassies to explore the possibility of mutual visa abolition or relaxation of visa requirement. 至于国民需要签证来港的东欧国家,我们正联络其中部份国家的使领馆,研究是否可废除相互签证要求或放宽签证规定。
- No Canada visa required, valid US multiple entries or green card needed. 不必签证,但需持有多次进出美国的有效护照或绿卡。
- A spokesman for the office of U.N.High Commissioner for Refugees, Ron Redmond, told reporters in Geneva Friday that the visa requirement effectively closes the last external refuge for Iraqis. 联合国难民事务高级专员公署的发言人星期五在日内瓦对记者说,签证要求实际上等于对伊拉克人关闭了他们最后一个境外庇护所。
- Papua New Guinea This page provides general information about visa requirements for Hong Kong residents. 本页提供香港居民申请巴布亚新几内亚入境签证的一般资料。
- Then, arrive Bay Area at evening. No visa required, please bring your valid passport or green card. 不需签证,但必需带护照或绿卡,以便边境关员检查。
- The september eleventh 2001 terrorist attacks led to more restrictive visa requirements. 2001年9月的恐怖袭击后,导致签证要求更为严格。
- The September eleventh, two thousand one, terrorist attacks led to more restrictive visa requirements. 2001年911恐怖主义者袭击使得申请签证变得更加严格。
- The United States strengthened its visa requirements after the terrorist attacks in 2001. 在2001年恐怖分子袭击后,美国加强了它的签证要求。
- But I could still write a book on the arbitrariness of visa requirements the world over. 但针对全世界胡乱设定的签证要求,我仍可以写出一本书来。
- The Home Office is phasing in new visa requirements aimed at weeding out fake students. 为了去除持虚假文件的留学生,内政部正在逐步实施新的签证要求。
- Visa requirements for short-term business and leisure travelers have been simplified, allowing visa applicants only a single supporting document. 对短期商务旅行和休闲旅游的签证申请人的要求简化为从菲律宾提供保证书与邀请信。
- HKSAR passport holders are reminded to check with the local Consulate of the Republic of Congo on visa requirements before visiting the country. 特区护照持有人如欲到刚果,宜先向刚果驻港领事馆了解签证安排。
- Always find information about visa requirements in good time before departure, since getting a visa can be a lengthy process. 出行之前留出充裕时间了解有关签证要求的信息,因为取得签证可能需要很长时间。
- New Zealand relaxes visa requirements for parents and grandparents of immigrants, in recognition of the key role they play in family support. 纽西兰放宽移民者父母及祖父母的签证规定,以表彰他们在扶养家庭上所扮演的重要角色。
- They help students find schools and get information about finacial financial aidat mission , admissions tests and visa requirements. 他们帮助学生找学校,获取资金担保、入学考试及签证方面的信息。
- They help students find schools and get information about financial aidat mission's tasks , admissions tests and the visa requirements. 他们帮助学生们找学校,找财务辅助的资料,处理入学考试和签证要求。
- He has applied for an entry visa. 他已申请入境签证。
- Visa required nationals will be required to return home while the work permit is being processed and to apply for an employment visa in order to return to the state. 需要办理签证的国家的公民在申请工作许可的期间,必须先回国。然后申请工作签证以便再次进入爱尔兰。