- Congenital cataract is an important cause of visual impairment in childhood. 先天性白内障是导致儿童低视力的重要因素之一。
- "Eye injuries are one of the leading causes of visual impairment in children. “在儿童中,眼损伤是导致视力缺损的头号杀手。
- Nursing management needs to focus on the chronicity of the disease and preventing visual impairment. 护理重点是疾病的长期性和防止视力受损。
- Visual impairment that cannot be corrected by spectacles-it may be symptom of Cataract. 视力衰退不能通过眼镜而纠正可能是白内障。
- Marked pallor occurs in complete optic atrophy, when there is blindness or severe visual impairment. 在完全性视神经萎缩时,视盘出现明显的苍白色,此时有失明或严重的视力障碍。
- Founded in 1987, it comprises over 20 performers with hearing and visual impairment or physical disability. 艺术团由20名年龄介于18至50岁的演员组成。
- Alter referral, we estimated the proportion of visual impairment among the elderly in Taipei to be 1.9%. 本研究老人视力障碍最常见的原因是白内障及其司关疾病(51.;3%25);其次是视网膜及其相关疾病(33
- Age-related macular degeneration is the leading cause of visual impairment and blindness among the old people. 老年性黄斑变性是老年人最主要的视力损伤和致盲原因之一。
- At the Athens Paralympics, XUE LANMEI won gold in the women's judo over 70-kilogram class (Visual Impairment). 雅典残障奥运会薛兰梅荣获女子70公斤级柔道比赛金牌(视障)。
- The beams can not move heedlessly, buyers have to qualify to reduce visual impairment. 由于梁柱不能乱动,买家只好以修饰减少视觉障碍。
- It can cause significant visual impairment and the exact mechanism of AAU has yet to be determined. 此眼疾会明显导致视力障碍而且其确 切的致病机制尚未有定论。
- However, they can be present with pain, proptosis, restricted ocular motility, visual impairment, globe displacement or palpable bony mass. 病患会出现病灶部位疼痛、眼球突出、眼球转动受限、视觉受损、眼球偏移及骨肿块等。
- ZHU HONGYAN swam to four women's S12 golds (Visual Impairment): 100-meter backstroke, 50- and 100-meter freestyle, and 200-meter individual medley. 朱宏艳一共赢得女子四项S12金牌(视障):100米仰泳,50米和100米自由式,以及200米个人混合式。
- The patients manifested themselves multiple focal symptoms and signs, in which visual impairment,motor paralysis and paraplegia were most common. 临床表现为多发病灶,主要症状和体征是视力障碍、肢体瘫痪及截瘫等。
- When web contents are presented in pop up windows or new windows, users with visual impairment may not detect them easily thus may cause confusion to them. 当网页内容在突现式视窗或新的视窗出现时,视障用户可能不易侦测得到,因此可能会令他们产生混乱。
- This is a screen enlargement utility. It displays a floating window that shows an enlarged view of the area around the cursor. It is suitable for people with visual impairment. 内容撮要:本软件是一个萤幕放大装置。软件显示一个浮现视窗,可展示鼠标附近已放大的范围,特别适合视障人士使用。
- Abstract Objective To discuss the surgical treatment and postoperative improvement in visual acuity of medial sphenoid ridge meningiomas associated with visual impairment. 中英文摘要摘要目的探讨伴有视力障碍的内侧型蝶骨嵴脑膜瘤的手术治疗及术后视力改善情况。
- Magnify is a Windows program which follows your mouse pointer all around the screen and zooms in on whatever is underneath. It is suitable for people with visual impairment. 内容撮要:本放大装置可放大鼠标附近的范围,本软件适合视障人士使用。
- These cursors feature drop-shadows and beveled edges for better visibility, especially on large monitors and flat-panel LCD displays and suitable for users with visual impairment. 鼠标的特色在于斜边的鼠标下打了阴影,使得鼠标更清晰,由其是适合使用大萤幕及平面萤幕或视障的用者。
- Three subjects with a rare form of visual impairment found their sight still better a year after gene therapy, and their immune systems seemed happy with the treatment, too. 有三位罕见形式的视力受损患者经过一年基因治疗以后,他们的视力变得更好了,而且他们的免疫系统似乎也不受任何影响。