- Bella bought a bottle of fat-soluble vitamin A. 贝拉买了一瓶可溶于油脂的维他命A
- Bella bought a bottle of fat - soluble vitamin A. 贝拉买了一瓶可溶于油脂的维他命
- Vitamin A is most important for good eyesight. 维他命A对维持好的视力是非常重要的。
- vitamin A esterase 维生素A酯酶
- Milk is an excellent source of vitamin A. 牛奶是维生素A的最佳来源。
- It contains vitamin A and vitamin C. 它里面含维生素A和维生素C。
- Mangoes are also a great source of vitamin A. 芒果中也含有大量的维生素A。
- Lack vitamin A: Nyctalopia, keratitis. 缺乏维生素a:夜盲、角膜炎。
- The fruit of compensatory vitamin A and vegetable? 补充维生素A的水果和蔬菜?
- Lack of vitamin A affect the body's growth and resistance to disease and can cause night blindness. 体内缺乏维生素A,会影响身体发育,降低对疾病的抵抗力,并可导致夜盲症。
- Taking large doses of vitamin A can improve one's dark adaptation. 服用大量维他命A可改善暗光适应。
- Vitamin A which is essential for eye health and normal vision. 维生素A,有利于眼睛健康和视力。
- Vitamin A is good for lubricating and healing the skin. 维他命A可以平滑及修护肌肤。
- Tish oil are a particularly potent source for Vitamin A. 鱼肝油是维生素A特别有效的来源。
- Pregnant and nursing women should be given supplementary vitamin A. 妊娠和授乳中的妇女应该服用额外的维生素A。
- People who do not get enough Vitamin A cannot see well in the dark. 缺乏维生素A的人夜晚看不清东西。
- An inadequate supply of vitamin A may lead to night blindness. 缺乏维生素A会导致夜盲。
- Fish oil is a particularly potent source for Vitamin A. 鱼肝油是维生素A特别有效的来源。
- Taking large doses of vitamin A can improve one's darkadaptation. 服用大量维他命A可改善暗光适应。
- Vitamin A is necessary to cell growth along with regeneration. 维生素A是细胞生长和再生所必需的。