- Longer vocal folds would vibrate at lower frequency, but tenser folds would vibrate at higher frequency. 声带加长会降低振动频率,声带拉紧则可以增加振动频率。
- Remacle M, Marbaix E.Further morphologic stud ies on collagen injected into canine vocal folds [J]. 刘秉慈;许增禄;虞瑞尧;等.;医学美容胶原注射剂除皱的实验研究及临床验证[J]
- METHODS There were 152 hoarseness children included in this study (98 of them with hyperplasia of vocal folds, 64.47%). 方法分析152例声嘶患儿(其中良性增生性病变98例,占64.;47%25)发病特点、嗓音声学特点及治疗转归情况。
- Vocal folds are two small bundles of specialized tissue, sometimes called “vocal cords,” that protrude pouchlike from the walls of the larynx. 声带是两小束特化的组织,自喉壁伸出,有如长长眼袋。
- The chimpanzee also has a double set of vocal folds, but in contrast to both gibbon and man he can articulate each set independently. 黑猩猩也有两组的声带,但是与长臂猿及人类不同的是牠可以独立地用一组发音。
- When the vocal folds are spread apart during quiet breathing, the larynx constitutes a tubular air tunnel with somewhat irregularly shaped walls. 当声带在安静呼吸时分开,喉头构成一个管状的风洞,其管壁有些不规则。
- "Cats have about the right size of vocal folds to produce a cry that is similar to a baby's, so there is a coincidental element," explained McComb. “猫声带的大小类似婴儿的,所以有一个巧合的因素,解释说:”麦库姆。
- Thus, like a well-timed push on a kid's swing, the inertive reactance of the air in the vocal tract augments each swing of the vocal folds with a push-pull action. 因此,就像抓准时机推荡秋千一样,气道空气的惰性阻抗,也会利用推拉作用来放大每次声带的振动。
- Therefore, We must pay attention to chest diseases if we find vocal fold paralyses. 病毒感染也是引起声带麻痹的原因之一。
- Methods:107 patients who had polypectomy of vocal fold or excision of vocal nodule were analysed retrospectively. 方法:分析107例声带息肉、小结摘除术病例。结果:农民工患病率为33%25,居首位;
- Because many people don't fully close the vocal folds you get a breathy quality to the voice, it's inefficient, and it can produce damage in certain situations. 许多人不能彻底关闭声襞,因此在发声时常常伴随着喘息。这并不是有效的发声方法,并在某种情况下可能会损伤声襞。
- Objective:To measure vocal fold vibration quantitatively and study the effects of gender and phonation mode. 目的:探讨声带振动功能的定量检测技术及其影响因素。
- Conclusion: Resection of vocal fold nodule or polyp by TV fibrolaryngoscope is a convenient and effective method. 结论:电视纤维喉镜下声带息肉、小结摘除术是一种简便易行,安全有效的方法。
- Objective: to investigate the efficacy of resecting vocal fold nodule or polyp by TV fibrolaryngoscope. 摘要目的:探讨电视纤维喉镜下声带息肉、小结摘除的治疗效果。
- Biology has also found a second way to expand the pitch range of the vocal folds, including a material that can increase in tension as it shortens, namely, muscle tissue. 生物还有第二种方法来增加声带的频率范围,包括使用在缩短时张力会增加的材料,也就是肌肉。
- The suppleness and flexibility of the vocal folds is crucial for pitch control, and it is especially important for hitting high notes with consistency and power. 声带的柔软和灵活性对音高控制是至关重要的,要唱出连续的或者有力量高音,声带的柔软和灵活性也是必不可少的。...更不用说吸烟带来的咽喉癌的危险了。
- Conclusion:Resection of vocal fold nodule or polyp by fibrolaryngoscope is a convenient and effective method. 结论:纤维喉镜下声带息肉及小结摘除术是一种方便可行,疗效好,值得推广的方法。
- Objectvie:To investigate the dog vocal fold reconstruction after cordectomy in experimental study. 目的:研究犬声带切除术后的重建。
- Results: 236 patients had got normal phonation in ten days after microlarygoscopy operations, and one was vocal fold cancer treated by laryngofissure. 结果:236例行喉显微手术后10天内获得正常发音,一例术后病检为声带癌改行喉裂开术。
- And anything in between from vocal strain, to scythes, scars on the vocal fold, polyps, and get the best out of the voice again following surgery. 这时他们必须学着克服各种发声困难,比如发声疲劳、手术造成的声襞上的伤口以及息肉等问题,从而在术后成功地恢复声音。