- Wait for a voice message to end. 等待留言结束。
- When this occurs, the voice message is still delivered. 发生这种情况时,仍会传递语音邮件。
- Callers may then have to call back to leave another voice message for the user. 呼叫者可能必须再次为该用户留下另一个语音邮件。
- Leave her voice messages to wake up to. 用她的声音做闹钟铃声。
- If NDRs have not been enabled, an NDR will not be sent if voice message delivery fails. 如果未启用NDR,则在语音邮件传递失败时不会发送NDR。
- The Hub Transport server then routes and submits the voice message to the appropriate Mailbox server. 集线器传输服务器将语音邮件路由并提交到相应的邮箱服务器。
- Otherwise, the Nissan will ring bells or issue a voice message, and also suggest the driver pull over and rest. 如果达不到标准,警铃就会响起或者导航系统发出语音提示,并建议司机停车休息。
- Audible interfaces, such as those found in voice message systems and automated call centers, involve some special challenges. 语音界面,比如语音留言系统及自动呼叫中心等,具有不同的特点和特殊的问题。
- Voice Message Queue Accessed is the number of times subscribers accessed their voice message queues by using the telephone user interface. Voice Message Queue Accessed是订阅者使用电话用户界面访问其语音邮件队列的次数。
- Because storage quotas are implemented in most Exchange environments, there may be times when a caller cannot leave a voice message for a user. 因为大多数Exchange环境中都会实施存储配额,所以,有时呼叫者无法为用户留下语音邮件。
- However, you can control the size of the voice files by reducing the length of time that callers have to leave a voice message. 但是,可以通过缩短允许呼叫者留下的语音邮件的时间长度来控制语音文件的大小。
- Voice messages of the final 102 minutes at the World Trade Center has emerged. 世贸中心倒塌前102分钟里的声音记录面世了。
- This parameter specifies the length of time that a caller can be silent when recording a voice message before the recording is ended. 此参数指定在结束录音之前,呼叫者在录制语音邮件时可以保持沉默的时间长度。
- When callers dial either extension number and leave a voice message for the user, the voice message will be delivered to the same UM-enabled mailbox. 呼叫者拨打任一分机号码并为用户留下语音邮件后,语音邮件将传递到同一个启用了UM的邮箱。
- When you plan your storage quotas for users, you should consider the maximum length of a voice message that a caller will leave. 在规划用户的存储配额时,应考虑呼叫者将留下的语音邮件的最大长度。
- This parameter specifies the audio codec for creating voice messages. 此参数指定用于创建语音邮件的音频编码解码器。
- One day, Yumi's (Kou Shibasaki) friend finds a weird voice message on her cell phone.The voice sounds like hers but it ends in a bone-chilling scream. 东京大学女生由美(柴崎幸)的好友接二连三惨死,更可怕的是,她们都曾在死前3日接到猛鬼手机留言,发讯人竟是死者自己!
- The voice message is submitted to the Mailbox server, but the voice message fills up the remaining storage space and exceeds the set storage quota for the user. 语音邮件提交到邮箱服务器,但是语音邮件占满了剩余存储空间,并超过了为用户设置的存储配额。
- The coded message was indecipherable. 这份用密码写的消息译不出来。
- The Unified Messaging server sends information back to User 1 that indicates to whom the voice message was routed. 统一消息服务器将信息发回用户1,指示已将语音消息发送给谁。