- The rover's photographs showed only dust and sand and bone-dry volcanic lava rocks. 精神号的照片显示,这里只有灰尘、砂粒以及已经完全凝固的火山熔岩。
- It shows that acidic volcanic lava has a specific characteristic of the primary structure in the specific paleogeographic environment. 它标志着酸性火山熔岩在特定的古地理环境下所形成的原生构造的特殊性。
- The device uses millimetre waves to measure the size, shape and temperature of a growing volcanic lava dome in all conditions. 这套设备使用毫米波;可在各种条件下测量发展中的火山熔岩丘其大小、形状及温度.
- The transitional zone is characterized by interbedding of pyroclastic and sedimentary rocks,and a little volcanic lava rocks was also found in the strata. 过渡区岩性以火山碎屑岩与沉积岩互层为特征,夹少量火山熔岩;
- Extrusive-facies volcanic lava shows high value of GR and low or media-low value of DLL.Extrusive arid subfacies tuff lava shows media value of GR and DLL. 侵出相火山熔岩自然伽马测井显示高值,双侧向测井显示低-中低值,侵出相外带亚相凝灰熔岩为中伽马、中阻的特征。
- If ever there was an island to escape to, this is it Mauritius may be a long-distance flight from the world's biggest cities, but this 57-kilometre long by 46-kilometre wide hummock of volcanic lava has earned a prominent place in glossy travel brochures. 如果说世上真有一个可以隐遁的小岛,那么这里便是了。 尽管从世界上最大的一些城市到毛里求斯需要有长距离的飞行,但是这个长57公里、宽46公里由火山熔岩构成的小小岛屿却在许多精美的旅行手册中占有突出的位置。
- Volcanic lavas of the Yixian Formation in western Liaoning province,China:Products of lower crust delamination or magma mixing? 辽西义县组火山岩:拆沉作用还是岩浆混合作用的产物?
- The soil properties of Holocene-basalt platform, which is a kind of early soil developed in late volcanic lavas, will have corresponding change with topograph. 全新世玄武岩台地上的土壤,是发育在晚期火山熔岩上的一种年轻的土壤,因地形部位、熔岩产状和植被类型的不同,其土壤养分性质会发生相应变化。
- That volcano cast forth lots of lava and ashes. 那火山喷了出大量熔岩和灰烬。
- I've seen the stream of lava from a volcano. 我见过火山喷发出的熔岩流。
- A volcano emits smoke, lava and ashes. 火山喷射出烟、 熔岩和灰烬。
- The temperature of volcanic gases is very high. 火山气体的温度很高。
- The volcano spurted (out) molten lava. 火山喷出了熔岩。
- The molten lava ran down the mountain. 熔岩从山上流下来。
- Lava boiled up from the crater of the volcano. 熔岩从火山口沸腾着升起来。
- To cause(molten lava)to pour forth from a volcanic vent. 使(岩浆等)喷出使(熔岩)流出火山口
- An agglomerate is a volcanic breccia. 集块岩是一种火山性角砾石。
- The place was recently visited by a serious volcanic eruption. 这地方最近发生了一次严重的火山爆发。
- The phenomena associated with volcanic activity. 火山现象与火山活动有关的现象
- The molten lava got into every nook and cranny on its downward path. 熔岩向下流动时,无缝不钻,无孔不入。