- Rift zones are elongated troughs bounded by faults. 断裂带是以断层为边界的狭长凹槽。
- In Rift Zone, air bubbling up through fine sand creates a small-scale geothermal landscape. 断裂带景观?的空气透过细沙层向上不断冒升,形成小型的地热地貌。
- Zhuanmiao boron deposit is a szaibelyite deposit which is located in Liaoning-Jilin rift zone. 砖庙硼矿为产在辽吉裂谷带的硼镁石矿床。
- The early basic rock in the zhong Tiao rift zone,and the mineralizing ftruids are mainly of high salinity. 晚太古代降县期,即中条裂谷活动早期形成了与铜矿床密切相关的基础火山岩。
- Kendekeke Fe-Co multi-metal deposit in Qinghai is located in the southwest edge of Qaidam basin and middle parts of Qimantage rear arc rift zone. 青海东昆仑肯德可克铁钴多金属矿床位于柴达木盆地西南缘,祁漫塔格弧后裂陷带中部。
- The northwest Guangxi belongs to the rift zone of Dian(Yunnan)-Qian(Guizhou)-Gui(Guangxi) with a high temperature geothermal field. 桂西北地区属滇黔桂裂谷,具高的地热场环境。
- Those following the map will read the sign "do not go this way, danger, rift zone" and the followers will have an easier time navigating in their ascensions as a result. 那些跟随着地图的提升者将读到信号“不要走这条路,危险,裂缝地带”,作为结果在跟随者们的提升中将有更轻松的航渡期。
- Keywords Parageosyncline;Rift zone;Foreland basin;Oil and gas origin;Plate tectonic;Natural gas resource; 关键词准地槽;裂谷带;前陆盆地;油气成因;板块构造;天然气资源;
- That volcano cast forth lots of lava and ashes. 那火山喷了出大量熔岩和灰烬。
- Flames blazed out from the crater of the volcano. 火焰从火山口猛烈地喷出来。
- An active volcano may explode at any time. 活火山随时都有可能爆发。
- An active volcano may erupt at any time. 活火山随时可能喷发。
- I've seen the stream of lava from a volcano. 我见过火山喷发出的熔岩流。
- A volcano emits smoke, lava and ashes. 火山喷射出烟、 熔岩和灰烬。
- Before and in Triassic period, the main part of Qaidam Massif rose stably, but rift zones developed and received marine rift-typed sediments only at southern and northern borderland. 三叠纪及其以前,柴达木地块主体呈现稳定的隆升状态,仅其南、北缘发育的裂谷带时张时合,沉积了一套海相裂谷型建造。
- The volcano spurted (out) molten lava. 火山喷出了熔岩。
- The volcano poured out molten rock. 火山喷出了熔岩。
- A volcano emits smoke and ashes. 火山散发着烟和灰。
- A deep rift had started in their family life. 他们的家庭生活出现了深深的裂痕。
- Lava boiled up from the crater of the volcano. 熔岩从火山口沸腾着升起来。