- voltage sensitive gate 电压敏感门
- VSO? Voltage Sensitive Oscillator? 电压敏感型振荡器?
- Features: Sensitive Gate Triggering in Four Trigger Modes for all possible Combinations of Trigger Sources. 特点:四种灵敏的门触发模式适合于各种组合的触发电源。
- What is the voltage sensitivity of down stream equipment? 下游负载设备耐过压的能力有多高?
- A man appeared at the castle gate in the guise of a woodcutter. 一个男子打扮成樵夫的模样出现在城堡的门口。
- In the paper, the four methods based on the evaluation of source's reactive power are analyzed. Those are Voltage Sensitivity (VS), PV curves, Back-up generation and Equivalent Reactive Compensation (ERC) methods. 由此文章分析了四种评估无功容量价值的方法:电压灵敏度法、PV曲线法、备用发电量法和等效无功补偿法。
- Did you remember to padlock the gate? 你是否记得用挂锁把大门锁上?
- I saw him make by the gate on his bicycle. 我看见他骑自行车从大门旁边过去了。
- Race relations is a sensitive issue. 种族关系是敏感的问题。
- The truck came to a dead stop out of the gate. 那辆卡车在大门外突然停下。
- A nanovoltmeter is a very sensitive voltage meter. 纳伏表是一种非常灵敏的电压表,如图1-3所示。
- I can open the back gate at midnight. 午夜的时候我可以打开后门。
- A flock of sheep poured through the gate. 一群羊从羊圈口涌了出来。
- Have you closed the gate and windows? 你把门窗关严实了吗?
- This tooth is sensitive to cold. 这颗牙对冷过敏。
- Please latch the front gate when you leave. 走时请把大门的碰锁锁好。
- He is too sensitive to criticism. 他对批评太敏感。
- The substance is irritable to sensitive skin. 这种物质对敏感的皮肤有刺激性。
- The gate screeched as it opened. 大门打开时发出刺耳的声音。
- Its voltage has not been exceeded. 它的电压没有超过。