- volume fraction analysis 体积分数法
- The more liquid volume fraction in the tank is, the less finial pressure is. 相同充满率下,初始压力对工作时间影响较小。
- In the analysis, the material properties of the functionally graded Timoshenko beam are assumed to vary continuously through the thickness of the beam, according to a power law distribution of the volume fraction of the constituents. 其中,功能梯度材料梁的材料性质采用了沿厚度方向按照幂函数形式连续变化的形式。
- CONCLUSION The partition coefficient for volatile anesthetic in lipid emulsion accordes with volume fraction partition coefficient concept. 结论挥发性麻醉药在脂肪乳中的分配系数符合容积比分配系数的概念。
- Furthermore, the bond splitting tensile strength increases with addition of steel fiber volume fraction. 在一定范围内,随钢纤维体积率的增加,钢纤维混凝土与老混凝土粘结劈拉强度明显提高。
- Optimum wear reduction was obtained when the volume fraction of Kevlar pulp is 40 Vol%. 当纤维体积分数为40%25时,复合材料的比磨损率最小;
- The latter one was responsible for a change in solid volume fraction when the material passes the discon... 为在实际触变塑性成形工艺分析中的进一步应用奠定了理论基础。
- The experiment deter-mines their hardness,their microorganizations as well as their Carbide Volum Fraction. 对宏观硬度、碳化物数量与耐磨性进行了相关分析。
- The volume fraction of methane,ethane, n -butane and propane are increased with the increase of dose. 甲烷、乙烷、丙烷和正丁烷的体积分数都随吸收剂量的增加而增加;
- The effects of volume fraction and concrete strength on tensile strength of SFRC are analyzed with an experiment. 通过试验,分析了钢纤维混凝土极限抗拉强度与钢纤维体积掺率及基体强度等级的关系。
- The major problems involved in fabricating large, high fiber volume fraction components by RTM, are discussed. 阐述了RTM工艺应用于大尺寸,高纤维含量构件时存在的主要问题。
- The compressibility of fabric preforms,involved in the fiber volume fraction(Vf) in the compress process,was studied. 研究了预定型织物在压实阶段的可压缩性,涉及压缩过程中纤维体积含量的变化特点。
- The formula to calculate effective permittivity of particle-filling composite materials is worked out by calculating different volume fraction model. 通过计算不同体积分数的材料模型的等效电磁参数,得到了颗粒型复合材料等效介电常数的计算公式。
- The normalized effective conductivity of the composite can be viewed as a function of the dipole polarizability and the volume fraction of the fiber. 复合材料之正规化有效导热度可视为此双极极化度与纤维体积分率之函数。
- Second, two typical samples of the (PS-g-PI)-b-PS comb-coil diblock copolymer with PS volume fraction close to 0.5 were investigated. 二、 利用原子力显微镜(AFM)、透射电子显微镜(TEM)和小角x射线散射(SAXS)研究聚合物本体形态。
- The results indicate that the PTA technique is a effective method to measure the volume fraction of recrvstal-lization quantitatively. 结果表明,使用PTA技术可以较好地定量测量含硼钢的再结晶体积分数。
- Objective To clarify promoter activity of Candida albicans yeast-hyphal regulational gene(HYR1), this study focused on fractional analysis of 1. 目的明确白念珠菌菌相转换特异基因HYR1启动子活性片段,逐段研究其启动子序列。
- Furthermore, the micropore in DP steel would change into microcrack when martensite volume fraction reached 30%.Meanwhile necking appeared early. 断裂时当马氏体体积分数增加到30%25,颈缩提前,且微孔有向微裂纹转变的趋势。
- Metallurgically speaking, ball pearlite is a group of irregular images with fractional features, which can be analyzed with fractional analysis. 摘要球状珠光体反映在金相上,是一种不规则图象的变化,并且具有分形的特征,可望用分形几何的办法来进行分析。
- Liu Y H,Du J,Yu S R,at al.Effect of alumina fiber volume fraction on wear property of Al2O3f+Cf/ZL109 hybrid composites[J].Tribology,2003,23(1):18-22. [1]刘耀辉;杜军;于思荣;等.;氧化铝含量对Al2O3f+Cf/ZL109混杂复合材料耐磨性能的影响[J]