- voluntary placement services 志愿安置服务
- Seafarer recruitment and placement services operating in a Member's territory shall conform to the standards set out in the Code. 在成员国领土内开办的海员招募和安置服务机构应符合本守则所规定的标准。
- Graduate trainees of full-time courses are offered employment assistance in job counselling and placement services upon completion of training. 本局辖下之培训机构,均为有就业需要之全日制课程毕业学员,提供就业辅导及转介服务。
- Each Member shall effectively exercise its jurisdiction and control over seafarer recruitment and placement services, if these are established in its territory. 各成员国应对在其领土内设立的海员招募和安置服务机构有效行使其管辖和控制。
- The university offers a placement service for its graduates. 这所大学为毕业生提供就业服务。
- Rose-Hulman ranked seventh nationally in Best Career/Job Placement Services, 10th in Schools Run Like Butter and 12th in More to Do on Campus. 年度排名是基于来自368所大学120,000名学生的问卷调查。他们在超过50个项目上给自己的学校评分,同时反馈他们的校园经历。
- Sam was so highly valued until he was fired, Millipore added about $40,000 to his 4) severance package for job placement services. 不过因为在此之前山姆先生十分德高望重,所以密理博公司在给他的资遣费中额外加了约四万美元,以便他重新找到工作。
- There are many career and Placement Services including Department of Labor, college placement centers, recruiters, and career centers in private companies. 美国劳动就业服务机构很多,由劳工部、学校、中介机构和用人单位协同为毕业生服务。
- Besides offering retraining and placement services to employers and employees, ERB also provides services to those employers who need to retrench large number of employees. 除了提供再培训及就业服务外,雇员再培训局亦为拟大规模裁员之雇主提供服务。
- The competent authority shall closely supervise and control all seafarer recruitment and placement services operating in the territory of the Member concerned. 主管当局应密切监督和控制在有关成员国领土内运营的所有海员招募和安置服务机构。
- The division also operates the Outreaching Placement Service which offers registration service at the workplace to the affected workers in major retrenchments. 该科亦设有就业外展组,在大规模的裁员事件中,在工作地点为受影响的工人提供登记服务。
- DIBI's talent service platform provides made-to-measure talent service including career assessment, career planning, career experiencing and job placement services. 戴尔特的人才平台更是能够为学生提供贴身的职业评测、职业规划、职业体验及就业服务。
- The unit works closely with the Labour Department's Selective Placement Service to ensure that training matches the demands of the local employment market demand. 该组与劳工处展能就业组紧密合作,确保所提供的训练切合本港就业市场的需要。
- The firm went into voluntary liquidation. 那家商号自动停业清算债务。
- Many social services are still provided by voluntary societies in our city. 在我们的城市,许多社会服务仍然是有志愿团体提供的。
- He made a voluntary statement to the police. 他自愿为警方作供。
- Check out the range of government services offered to students with special educational needs, including Referral and Placement Services, Speech Therapy Services, Audiological Services and Educational Psychology Service. 你可在此查阅为学前及在学儿童提供的各类特殊教育服务,包括转介及学位安排服务、言语治疗服务、听觉服务及教育心理服务。
- Many young workers gave up their days off to do voluntary labour. 许多青年工人放弃休息日去参加义务劳动。
- For example, we can use the service orchestration model to integrate purchase order placement service with the notification and returns processing service to provide a comprehensive purchasing Web Services function. 以采购订单为例,我们可利用服务调合模式,把订购服务与通知和退货处理服务结合,以提供全面的采购网络服务。
- Many young workers turned in their days off to do voluntary labour. 许多青年人放弃休息日去参加义务劳动。