- voluntary restraint of export 自动出口配额制
- On display are more than40,000 samples of export commodities. 陈列的出口商品的样品共四万多种。
- I am in charge of export business. 我负责出口生意。
- The chaotic competition of export market. 出口市场无序竞争。
- Our offer is subject to approval of export licence. "出口许可证准许签证;我方报价才有效.;asasdfas"
- For repayment of Export Loan No. 用于偿还出口贷款编号。
- The value of export would exceed 200 million USD. 产品全部出口,年度出口额将超过2亿美元。
- Our offer is subject to a roval of export licence. 出口许可证准许签证;我方报价才有效.
- Monthly report of export volum and sales turnover. 月末出口量及销售量核算;
- She had to bury the tumult of her feeling under the restraint of society. 她得在社交礼貌的约束下,抑制住自己翻腾着的心潮。
- On display are more than 40,000 samples of export commodities. 陈列的出口商品的样品共四万多种。
- Then the feature and restraint of the harmonic waves of HVDC is also studied. 同时也对HVDC系统交直流侧谐波特征及抑制问题进行了研究。
- Second, we will optimize the composition of export commodities. 第二,加快出口商品结构的优化。
- When they score their second, I clap with the restraint of a neutral. 当他们攻入第二个球时,我已经以一个旁观者的克制在鼓掌了。
- He hates the restraints of life in a small town. 他讨厌在小城镇生活的种种限制。
- Check, analyze and upgrade the issue of export delay. 检讨分析并改进无法及时出货的情况;
- A high proportion of export earnings of this country. 北海石油占这个国家出口收入的很大一部分。
- The restraint of railway as a bottleneck on socioeconomic development has been lifted. 铁路对国民经济和社会发展的“瓶颈”制约得到缓解。
- The value of export was 183.8 billion US dollars, up 0.5 percent. 出口总额1838亿美元,增长0.;5%25。