- voluntary sexual abstinence 自愿禁欲
- Mr Bush is justly chided for backing anti-AIDS programmes that advocate only sexual abstinence, an approach that seldom works. 这么长的句子翻译时断下句:布什鼓励单纯通过性节制以支持反艾滋病计划,受到了应得的谴责,因为该方法难以奏效。
- It would also help children who have lost one or both parents and would work toward prevention with programs aimed at sexual abstinence, education and promotion of condom use. 该计划还包括帮助一些单亲,或者是父母双亡的孤儿继续生活;以及开展以性节制,教育,和推广使用避孕套等为目的的一系列工作。
- Many people believe, usually for religious reasons, that the best protection against STDs is sexual abstinence before marriage and exclusivity within marriage. 通常因为信奉宗教的原因,许多人坚持认为对抗性传播疾病的最好措施是结婚之前的性节制和婚内的专一性。
- In 1798 Thomas Malthus posed the conundrum of geometrical population growth's outstripping arithmetic expansion in resources. Malthus recommended late marriage and sexual abstinence as methods of birth control. 晖新硭
- " Birth control: Voluntary limiting of human reproduction, using such means as contraception, sexual abstinence, surgical sterilization, and induced abortion." 节育:自愿地限制人类生育,方法包括避孕、节欲、绝育和人工流产。
- voluntary sexual intercourse between persons not married to each other. 并非夫妻的两人自愿进行的性交行为。
- voluntary sexual intercourse between persons not married to each other 并非夫妻的两人自愿进行的性交行为
- Some people are able to remain sexually abstinent and thus escape all risks. 一些人在性的方面能够坚持禁欲并且由此规避所有的风险。
- The firm went into voluntary liquidation. 那家商号自动停业清算债务。
- Do you think sexual act outside marriage is wrong? 你认为婚外性行为是不对的吗?
- voluntary sexual intercourse between a married person and a partner other than the lawful spouse 通奸,已婚者与合法配偶以外的异性主动发生的性交
- He made a voluntary statement to the police. 他自愿为警方作供。
- Religions revolve madly round sexual questions. 种种宗教,都在性问题的周围疯狂地团团转。
- Many young workers gave up their days off to do voluntary labour. 许多青年工人放弃休息日去参加义务劳动。
- Excessive sexual desire in a female. 女性色情狂女性过多的性欲
- Many young workers turned in their days off to do voluntary labour. 许多青年人放弃休息日去参加义务劳动。
- Indiscriminate in the choice of sexual partners. 杂交的,男女乱交的在选择性伴侣时不加区分的
- The disease is passed on by sexual contact. 该病通过性交传染。
- It became an ever-lengthening period of dependency between childhood and adulthood in which young people were expected to remain sexually abstinent. 青春期成为介于儿童期与成年期之间的一个冗长的从属时期,在这个时期,(社会文化)会要求青少年要保持性节制。