- Based on the calculated results, the fatigue damage by vortex induced vibration along a riser is predicted. 在此基础上计算了立管沿长度方向涡激振动引起的疲劳损伤。
- The fluctuate drag and lift forces of tree branches in wind due to vortex shedding were estimated using the vortex induced vibration theory of circular cylinder. 采用圆柱绕流的涡致振动理论估算了树枝在风中因旋涡脱落而引起的脉动升力和阻力;
- Influence of Steam Induced Vibration on the Stability of Rotor-bearing System. 汽流激振对轴系稳定性的影响分析。
- vortex induced vibration characteristics 涡旋感应振动特征
- Heat transfer enhancement by fluid induced vibration Journal of hydrodynamics,2002. No. 管外水流诱导管束振动强化传热试验研究贝壳的微观结构与煅烧特性毕见重路春美化工学报,2002。
- The interaction between current induced vibration and scour ofpipeline placed on a sandy bottom was investigated experimentally in a small scale model. 针对引发振动的流与置于砂基上的管道淘蚀的相互作用问题,应用小尺度模型进行了试验研究。
- The conclusion could be used as a reference for the wind induced vibration control design. 这对于正确估算结构的扭转风振反应值,为高层建筑风振控制措施设计提供参考依据是有一定意义的。
- Controlling the comfort of tall steel structures due to wind induced vibration is an important structure design. 高层钢结构风振舒适度控制是结构设计的一项重要内容。
- In the derivation both the induced vibration and couple vibration were considerd. 本文建立了浸入水中输运流体管道耦合振动微分方程。
- The tangential movement of water rivulet has significant effects on the rain-wind induced vibration of stay-cables. 风雨环境中斜拉索表面形成的水线及其周向摆动在索的风雨振中起着关键的作用。
- Although many investigations have been conducted successfully on the vortex induced vibrations of a bare cylinder, very little attention has been paid to cylinders with fins for disturbing. 光滑圆柱绕流振动是经典的涡激振动问题,研究成果较多,而对于带有多扰流翼圆柱的涡激振动研究则很少。
- Synchronized movement of water rivulet with cable motion is one of the most important factors that cause rain-wind induced vibration. 斜拉索表面水线的周向摆动被认为是激发索发生风雨振的重要因素。
- The analysis system of 3D full functional numerical method on flow induced vibration body in turbomachinery is presented in this paper. 总结了对于汽轮机叶片流体激振安全性进行全三维、全功能与全方位分析的概念和方法。
- As the main spans of bridges become longer, engineers have to assess the wind induced vibration of bridge decks for safety and serviceability. 摘要:随著桥梁跨径不断的增加,工程师必须审慎评估桥梁在风力作用下之安全性及服务性。
- The action between rivulet and cable surface is one of the difficulties in establishing theoretical models of rain-wind induced vibration. 如何假定水线与拉索表面之间的作用力是建立风雨激振理论模型的难点之一。
- The wind induced vibration behavior of the Bridge, such as that of fluttering, buffeting and vortex-excited vibration, is investigated and evaluated. 评估了菜园坝长江大桥颤振、抖振和涡激振动等风振特性。
- The results show that the interation effect on the wind induced vibration of high-rising structure is obvious, and more attention should be paid to this phenomenon. 计算结果表明:桩-土-结构动力相互作用对高层建筑的风致振动响应的影响是明显的,应当引起重视。
- In this paper,the research achievements of twophase cross-flow induced vibration in tabular heat exchanger were introduced based on the engineering application point of view. 从工程应用的角度介绍了管壳式换热器中两相流体诱发的振动这方面的研究成果。
- For example,the individual experience always plays the key role on the correctness of the current general analysis for flow- induced vibration (FIV),soil- structural interaction (SSI),component safety assessment,which leads to the rough results. 例如在流体诱发振动、土壤-结构相互作用、部件安全评价等方面,当前的一些通用的分析方法在用于解决某些具体问题时,个人经验常常对分析结果起主要作用,导致分析结果有较大不确定性。
- Matlock model has been modified properly according to the function of sea ice strength and stress rate, in order to reflect the characteristics of ice induced vibration and to be applicable to the dynamic analyses of both rigid and flexible structures. 通过考虑冰抗压强度与应力速率的函数关系,对Matlock模型作了适当修改,使之能够较全面地反映平台结构的冰激振动特性,同时适用于刚性结构和柔性结构动力分析。