- The new teacher really makes the students walk the chalk. 这位新老师真能使学生循规蹈矩。
- If you don't walk the chalk,I'll put you out. 如果你们不守规矩,我将把你们赶出去。
- If you don't walk the chalk, I'll put you out. 如果你们不守规矩,我将把你们赶出去。
- Shaking will settle the chalk powder down. 晃一晃把粉笔末抖落下来。
- My father used to walk the floor. 我父亲喜欢踱来踱去。
- She was forced to walk the streets. 她被迫当妓女。
- That's not the whole of the story, by the chalk. 那还远远不是故事的全部。
- The chalk fell off the desk and broke. 粉笔从书桌上掉下来摔断了。
- The chalk was reduced to powder. 粉笔被碾成粉末
- There's no chalk in the chalk box,is there? 粉笔盒里没粉笔了,对吗?
- The chalk is below the scissors. 粉笔在剪刀的下面。
- I have used up all of the chalk, would you. 请给我拿来红色粉笔。
- There's no chalk in the chalk box, is there? 粉笔盒里没粉笔了,对吗?
- She dared to walk the tightrope without a net. 她敢于不用网子走钢丝。
- You can rub out the chalk marks with the eraser. 你可以用黑板擦把粉笔印擦掉。
- You must walk the street with your eyes open. 在街上走可要小心点。
- Walk the path of a carefree life, desiring nothing. 清心寡欲走正道,以无为有乐消遥。
- The mother walked the child out of the room. 母亲带着孩子走出了房间。
- The chalk rasped across the blackboard. 粉笔划过黑板发出刺耳的声音。
- The chalk jarred against the blackboard. 粉笔在黑板上发出吱吱的声音。