- The marchers jumped off at the crack of dawn. 行军队伍在破晓时出发了。
- She got up at the crack of dawn. 天刚亮她便起床了。
- He was the tough guy, the big shot, who gave orders with the crack of a whip. 他是个威风凛凛发号施令的强悍的家伙,是个大人物。
- My father used to walk the floor. 我父亲喜欢踱来踱去。
- She was forced to walk the streets. 她被迫当妓女。
- They wormed their way out through the crack in the wall. 他们好不容易才从墙上的裂缝处爬了出来。
- The new teacher really makes the students walk the chalk. 这位新老师真能使学生循规蹈矩。
- Snow sifted through the crack in the roof into the room. 雪从屋顶上的裂缝飘进屋里。
- His bag wedged in the crack of the door. 他的书包被卡在门缝里了。
- She dared to walk the tightrope without a net. 她敢于不用网子走钢丝。
- "The crack failed," said Toby, faintly. “这趟买卖失了风”,托比低声说。
- The dust sift in through the crack in the window. 灰尘从窗户的裂缝里钻了进来。
- You must walk the street with your eyes open. 在街上走可要小心点。
- I was up at the crack of dawn to get the plane. 为了乘飞机,我破晓时就起身了。
- Walk the path of a carefree life, desiring nothing. 清心寡欲走正道,以无为有乐消遥。
- You're never yet heard the crack of an angry rifle. 你从未听过交战时的猛烈枪声。
- The crack eventually caused the chord to fracture. 裂纹最终致使弦杆断裂。
- The mother walked the child out of the room. 母亲带着孩子走出了房间。
- I walk the walk alone to keep my sanity. 我独自向前走让自己保持清醒。
- We have to get up at the crack of dawn. 我们必须一大清早就起床。