- wall surface class 壁面流
- Small family's wall surface should choose lusterless. 小户型的墙面应选择哑光的。
- There is a kind of rough wall surface, which is said to be sound-absorbing. 有一种墙面是麻的, 据说可以吸音。
- The projecting balcony and granite plaster wall surface reflect the eclectic spirit of the time. 汰石子的墙面,外挑的阳台,表现了当时建筑潮流中折衷主义的时髦。
- The succinct wall surface and the exquisite sculpture demonstrate a perfect fusion of modern and classical designing styles. 简洁的墙面与精细的雕刻,将现代与经典设计风格完美地融合在一起。
- Use: Is suitable decorates or renovates to each kind of brick masony structure and the plaster tablet wall surface. 用途:适用于各种砖石结构和石膏板墙面的装饰和翻新。
- Self-crosslinkable latex at room temperature with high elasticity is prepared to overcome the drawback of crack on the wall surface. 摘要研制高弹性自交联聚合物乳液以克服常规乳胶涂料涂膜导致基层墙面开裂的弊端。
- Based on the turbulence theory,formulas are derived for predicting the abrasion rate of concrete material wall surface. 基于紊流猝发理论,建立了混凝土材料壁面磨蚀率的计算公式;
- The wall surfaces of his new house were brushed with greenish lime. 他家新房的墙面是用青灰上的色。
- This type of paint is suitable for use on exterior wall surfaces. 这种涂料适合涂在墙的外面。
- It is suggested that dropwise condensation of wall surface of heat transfer is divided into three processes. 本文对烟气冷凝换热过程进行了分析,给出了换热壁面上珠状凝结分为三个阶段的理论模型,给出了三个阶段的数学描述。
- Season cracking which appears regarding the wall surface, do not patch immediately. 对于墙面出现的季节性开裂,不要马上修补。
- The basic unit wall surface's coating level and the plastering level loose part must eliminate. 基层墙体表面的涂料层和抹灰层疏松部分必须清除。
- Also keeps one row above the chamberpot to paste the colored mosaic, lets the wall surface be more active. 在马桶上方还留出一排贴成彩色马赛克,让墙面更活跃些。
- Use: Is suitable decorates or renovates to each kind of brick masony structure and the plaster tablet wall surface . 用途:适用于各种砖石结构和石膏板墙面的装饰和翻新。
- The pediment's triangular wall surface, or tympanum, was often decorated with sculpture. 山形墙的三角形壁面,即山形墙壁面,常有雕刻装饰。
- Analysis and estimate of the pipe inner wall surface using wavelet transform are described. 子波变换被引入作为分析和评价被测管内壁表面特征的工具。
- The old wall surface should eradicate the old paint level, approves blows the putty, polishes smoothly, clean, dry. 旧墙面应铲除旧漆层,批刮腻子,打磨平整,清洗,干燥。
- The shutters thumped the wall in the wind. 在风中百叶窗砰砰地碰在墙上。
- The guest room composes in reply child house two combined into one , yellow wall surface of goose, apposition one Zhang Shu table and chair. 客房和小孩房合二为一,鹅黄色的墙面,外加一张书桌椅。