- Like wandering birds, Like a scattered nest, Will the daughters of Moab be At the fords of the Arnon. 2摩押的居民在亚嫩渡口,必像游飞的鸟,如拆窝的雏。
- For the daughters of Moab will be like wandering birds, like a place from which the young birds have gone in flight, at the ways across the Arnon. 摩押的居民(原文作女子)在亚嫩渡口,必像游飞的鸟,如拆窝的雏。求你献谋略,行公平,使你的影子在午间如黑夜,隐藏被赶散的人,不可显露逃民。
- The penguin is a flightless bird. 企鹅是一种不会飞的鸟。
- The police found the wandering boy in a deserted building. 警察在一栋废弃的楼里找到了这个流浪的男孩。
- The bird sang high and clearly in the tree. 鸟儿在树上清脆地高歌。
- The bird flapped its wings and flew away. 那鸟振翅飞去。
- The bird is building a nest of straw and twigs. 这只鸟在用稻草和小树枝筑巢。
- The bird picked a hole in the ice with its beak. 那鸟在冰上啄出了一个洞。
- The bird caught a bug on the fly. 那鸟在飞行中捉住了一只昆虫。
- She went for a little wander round the park. 她到公园去遛达遛达。
- The bird settled on the topmost bough. 这只鸟儿在最高的权枝上停了下来。
- I've spent two years wandering the world. 我用了两年时间周游世界。
- I asked him for some money and got the bird. 我向他借些钱,但是碰了钉子。
- I saw the bird at the very top of the tree. 就在那棵树顶上我看到那只鸟。
- The bird flies out when he opens the window. 当他打开窗户时鸟就飞出去了。
- The child was found wandering the streets alone. 人们看见那个孩子独自在街上瞎转。
- Can you shoot up at the bird on the roof? 你能射中房顶上的那只鸟吗?
- A wandering brook meanders around the park. 一条蜿蜒的小溪围绕着公园缓缓流过。
- The singer got the bird when she came out on stage. 这位歌手一出现在舞台上人们便以嘘声嘲弄她。
- He focused his binoculars on the bird. 他把双筒远镜的焦点对准在那只鸟上。