- want something so bad 如此渴望得到某物
- Why would anyone want to eat something so horrible? 为什么会有人想吃这么难吃的食物?
- I want something to soothe sore throat. 我要可以治喉痛的药。
- Something so bad as to be equivalent to intentional mockery; a travesty 拙劣的模仿,滑稽的模仿:模仿得不好以至不能与当初打算做的嘲弄相提并论的东西;拙劣的模仿作品
- Cheer up! Things are not so bad as they seem. 振作起来!情况并不象看上去那样糟。
- He pissed me off so bad that I want to beat him up! 他把我气得恨不得打他一顿。
- I feel so bad about not being able to help you. 没能帮助你,我感到惭愧。
- "I just want it so bad," Bryant said. “我只是太渴望总冠军了。”科比说。
- Don't throw away those rotten vegetables, we can feed them to the pigs. There's nothing so bad as not to be good for something. 不要把那些腐烂的蔬菜扔了,我们可能拿它来喂猪。竹头木屑,各有所用。
- I know you want something definite. 我知道你希望有个明确的意见。
- The famine is so bad, aid can only scratch the surface. 饥荒十分严重,援助也只是杯水车薪。
- I want something for athlete's foot. 我想要治香港脚的药。
- Act of agree to something so that it become legal. 正式通过,同意某事使其成为合法的行为。
- I want something darker in color. 我要颜色比较深一点的。
- He was so ill that two nurses attended on him. 他病得那样重,有两个护士照顾他。
- I want something in gray flannel. 我想要灰色法兰绒面料的。
- Folks that blurt out just what they think wouldn't be so bad if they thought. 一想到什么就马上脱口而出的人们,倘使经过思量之后再讲的话,就可能没那么差劲了。
- Do you want something from the vending machine? 你想从自动售货机里买点儿什么吗?
- I want something for athlete rs foot. 我想要治香港脚的药。
- Frankly speaking, he is not so bad as you might think. 坦白讲,他没有你想像中的坏。