- war profit tax [经] 战时利得税
- Also called accumulated profits tax. 亦称为累计利润税。
- Advocates a windfall profits tax on oil companies. 主张对石油公司实行高额税收政策。
- The SAR Government will improve the profit tax system. With effect from today, interest earnings by companies in savings in local banks can be exempted from profit tax. 特区政府将会改善利得税税制,由即日起,公司本地存款所赚取的利息收入,可豁免缴交利得税。
- From a purely profit tax and capital indicators, the most attractive of the Swiss federal state is the state of Schwyz and Zug states. 从纯赢利及资本税指标来看,瑞士最具吸引力的联邦州是施维茨州和楚格州。
- The SAR Government will improve the profit tax system. With effect from today,interest earnings by companies in savings in local banks can be exempted from profit tax. 特区政府将会改善利得税税制,由即日起,公司本地存款所赚取的利息收入,可豁免缴交利得税。
- But two years ago Beijing slapped on a windfall profit tax that generates $8 billion in government revenues used to subsidize energy-hungry Chinese industries. 但是两年前北京出台了一项新的税收政策,一次性搞到了80亿美元的巨额政府收入,用来补贴急需能源的中国工业。
- Profit tax arranges the cogongrass before Hubei saves spin industry respectively, be judged to be early or late " Shuang Wenming of countrywide textile industry builds fine business " . 利税分别排列湖北省纺织行业前茅,先后被评为“全国纺织工业双文明建设优秀企业”。
- Instead of three little bears sitting on chairs, there are “war profiteers giving three cheers. 没有坐在椅子上的三只小熊,只有“发战争横财的奸商共饮三杯”。
- Exempt interest income earned locally from profits tax with immediate effect. 由即时起,在本地赚取的利息收入豁免缴交利得税。
- In addition, there should be a windfall profits tax on oil and gas companies. 另外,应设立对那些燃汽公司的暴利征税。
- We had to struggle with the old enemies of peace -? business and financial monopoly, speculation, reckless banking, class antagonism, sectionalism, war profiteering. 我们同商业金融的垄断势力、投机倒把分子、不顾后果的银行作业、阶级敌对、派系倾轧、发战争财行为进行了斗争,它们是和平的宿敌。
- The unlikeliest of all role models who started by earning millions as a war profiteer and ended by spending his last pfennig and risking his life to save his 1300 Schindlerjews. 新德勒和其他完人典范完全不同,他以战争投机分子的身分崛起,靠战争赚进数百万元,最后却散尽家财,冒著生命危险,拯救1300名犹太人。
- Hong Kong profits tax was provided at the rate of 17.5% (2002 - 16%) on estimated assessable profit arising in or derived from Hong Kong. 香港利得税乃根据于香港产生或源自香港的估计应课税溢利,按税率17.;5%25(二零零二年:16%25)提呈拨备。
- He miraculously managed to do it and pulled it off by using the very same talents that made him a war profiteer - his flair for presentation, bribery, and grand gestures. 他奇迹似地成功并且完成这个艰难的事业,靠的就是让他成为战争投机分子的天赋条件-能言善道、通晓贿赂技巧以及拥有高雅的言行谈吐。
- The government has since raised salary, property and profit taxes - as well as a handful of duties such as that on horseracing bets - and has slashed its spending. 自那以来,政府已经提高了工资所得税、地产税和利润税,以及赌马博彩税等其它少数税收,同时削减政府支出。
- What the article actually said was that we had begun a review of the profits tax system. 有关报道实际上是指本港已就利得税制展开检讨而已。
- Shouldering the shell-pitted houses patched with bits of old lumber and smoke-blackened bricks, the fine homes of the Carpetbaggers and war profiteers were rising, with mansard roofs, gables and turrets, stained-glass windows and wide lawns. 与那些弹痕累累、用旧木器和熏黑的砖瓦片修补的房屋并排而立的是提包党人和发战争财的人新建的住宅,那里夜夜灯火辉煌、歌舞声透过窗帘飘出。
- We may estimate the amount of assessable profits and issue a notice of assessment demanding you to pay Profits Tax. 本局可能会作出估税并向你发出评税通知书。
- The war was lost because of a shortage of munitions. 战争因军火不足而失败。