- Second World War veteran Don Karkos, 82, lost the sight of his right eye when shrapnel in combat hit him. 82岁的二战退伍老兵卡尔寇斯在战斗时遭炮弹碎片击中,致使右眼失明。
- The effort is supported by former Democratic Senator and Vietnam War veteran Max Cleland. 这一呼吁同样得到了民主议员和越南战争老将马克思柯蓝的支持。
- Her father, a Civil War veteran, raised Sonora and her five siblings after their mother died in childbirth. 与母亲节一样,在父亲节这天,人们也在胸前佩带特定的花朵。
- Smart, who was a Civil War veteran, was widowed when his wife died while giving birth to their sixth child.Mr. 作为南北战争的一名老兵,斯马特先生在其妻子生产他们的第六个孩子难产去世后,就过着鳏居生活。
- William Smart,a Civil War veteran,was widowed when his wife (Mrs.Dodd's mother) died in childbirth with their sixth child. 威廉·斯玛特是美国内战中的老兵,他妻子(即多德夫人的母亲)在生育第六个孩子时因难产而死,斯玛特先生从此成为鳏夫。
- Dodd's father, William Smart, a Civil War veteran, raised Sonora and the five other kids by himself on a farm in eastern Washington state. 杜德的父亲威廉思麦特是美国内战老兵,在华盛顿州东部一座农场中,独自扶养索萝娜和另外五个小孩长大。
- The Korean War Veterans Memorial has several parts. 朝鲜战争退伍军人纪念碑由几个部分组成。
- Bbut also includes unusual exhibits such as a prosthetic leg donated by a war veteran who fell in love with his physiotherapist. 在柏林的展览上还出现过一位女士用来砸烂自己前女友家具的斧子,以及那些破碎的家具。此外,还有一件婚纱和一双溜冰鞋。
- Dammit. These guys are seasoned war veterans. 该死。这些人都是饱经战火的老兵。
- Iran media report that during Friday prayers, Rafsanjani referred to an Italian television interview earlier this month with a U.S. Gulf war veteran. 伊朗媒体报导说,拉夫桑贾尼在星期五祈祷中,提到了义大利电视台本月初采访美国海湾战争的老兵。
- Iran media report that during Friday prayers, Rafsanjani referred to an Italian television interview earlier this month with a U.S.Gulf war veteran. 伊朗媒体报导说,拉夫桑贾尼在星期五祈祷中,提到了意大利电视台本月初采访美国海湾战争的老兵。
- Throughout more than three decades at the top of AIG, Mr Greenberg, a D-Day and Korean war veteran, showed an uncompromising desire to be first. 格林伯格这位经历过诺曼底登陆和朝鲜战争的老兵,在身居美国国际集团最高位置的三十年多里,展现了争当第一的不屈愿望。
- Police in Myanmar have given DVD hawkers strict orders not to stock the new Rambo movie, which features the Vietnam War veteran taking on the former Burma's ruling military junta. 缅甸警方最近下令,严禁DVD小贩囤积最新一集蓝波电影,因为片中蓝波这位越战老兵对抗的目标正是缅甸执政的军政府。
- His father, a dec orated war veteran, was a foreman in a metal factory.He died in August of 1999, the week his son was appointed prime minister of Russia. 普京的父亲,一位得过勋章的老战士,曾是一车辆厂的工长,1999年8月去世,那一周他儿子就任俄罗斯总理。
- The son of a retired marine, Bernard, from New Portland in rural Maine, was described as a devout Christian, an Iraq war veteran, a keen snowboarder and an avid hiker. 伯纳德是退役海军陆战队士兵的儿子,来缅因州农村的纽波特兰,被形容为一个虔诚的基督徒、伊拉克战争老兵、喜爱滑雪还是个狂热的徒步旅行者。
- Flashbacks still experienced by Vietnam war veterans. 越战老兵仍会感到往事又闪现眼前。
- His grandfather was a veteran of the World War II. 他的祖父是二战时的老兵。
- "I'm not talking about the little boys and the Mexican War veterans. "我不是在说那些小孩子和参加过墨西哥战争的老兵。
- Food production was curtailed as farms were taken over by war veterans. 由于农田退武军人占领,粮食产量极其短缺。
- The government began building extremely cheap mass housing for war veterans. 政府开始为退役军人修建非常便宜的群众房屋。