- Brightly colored glass ornaments give many trees a homey, warm feel. 鲜艳色彩的玻璃装饰品使很多树给人一种家的、温暖的感觉。
- For your words bring me a warm feeling. 因为你的言语让我感到温暖。
- A warm feeling, as of pleasure or well-being. 热烈温暖的感觉,如因幸福或高兴
- When I look at you, I get a warm feeling inside. 当我注视你的时候,心中涌出一股暖流。
- Have your very sweet and warm feeling. 有你的感觉非常甜蜜和温暖。
- They gave me a warm feeling inside,and no longer eeky goose bumps. 我听着这些歌曲,身上不再起鸡皮疙瘩,而是心里腾起一股温暖。
- They gave me a warm feeling inside, and no longer eeky goose bumps. 我听着这些歌曲,身上不再起鸡皮疙瘩,而是心里腾起一股温暖。
- I hope you like the small gift I sent to you today to convey my warm feelings. 附上薄礼一份,寄托我的祝贺。
- In order to do a warm feeling, a modicum of sadness, what relationship? 为着那样温润的情怀,些许的忧伤又有什么关系呢?
- A virtuous pretty girl, to share yr warm feeling about life with me... 如果你是个单身的白领丽人,精神贵族,或相信感情的女孩,我愿与你相识。
- Tangerine a long time, although feel spirited, have warm feeling very much, but overmuch orange, also can make popular feeling repugn irritated. 橘红色多时,虽然感觉生气勃勃,很有暖和的感觉,但是过多的橘色,也会使人心生厌烦。
- The air in the garden was warm and fragrant. 花园里的空气一片温馨。
- The teacher talked to her students with an open warm feeling for her warm feeling for her students. 教师用对待学生的一片赤诚之心和学生谈话。
- I smiled and remembered the fun and warm feelings the yellow shirt had brought into my life over the years. 我微笑地忆起了这些年来黄衬衫所带给我的愉快和温暖的感受。
- The hot weather made me feel lethargic. 炎热的天气使我昏昏欲睡。
- I wanted to stop my father from hurrying, because all the warm feelings of the strange night were rushing from me. 我想要阻止家父不要走得太快,因为所有在这奇妙夜晚里的温馨感觉正从我的心里溜走。
- Loving someone is the nicest and warmest feeling there is. 爱一个人,是世界上最美好、最温暖的感觉。
- Warm feelings rush through my soul. I suddenly found the sun shining again when I stepped out of his office. 听了这番话,我心里顿觉暖暖的。走出办公室我突然感觉到我的生命再次充满了阳光。
- The moden house life is a kind of free style, a comfortable and warm feeling, also a kind of optional beauty. 现代家庭,应是一种自由的方式,一种舒适的温暖感觉,同时也是一种随意的美丽。
- The Ching court began to feel its rule threatened. 清廷开始感到自己的统治受到了威胁。