- Warranty of seaworthiness of ship 船舶适航保证
- absolute warranty of seaworthiness 绝对适航保证
- warranty of seaworthiness 适航保证书
- Most of our clients consider our cartons of seaworthiness. 我们绝大多数客户认为我们的纸板箱是适合海洋运输的。
- The warranty of Type T barge is one year after delivery. 型驳船交付给交通部上海打捞局后一年内为公司保修期。
- 2 The Underwriters waive any breach of the implied warranties of seaworthiness of the ship and fitness of the ship to carry the subject-matter insured to destination, unless the Assured or their servants are privy to such unseaworthiness or unfitness. 保险人放弃运载保险标的至目的港的船舶不得违反船舶适航和适运的任何默示保证,除非被保险人或其雇员对此种不适航或不适运有私谋。
- Provide technical guide to equipment maintenance and one-year warranty of maintenance service. 提供设备维修的技术指导提供一年的保修服务。
- The motor and pump shall be manufactured by one company providing sole source responsibility for the warranty of the unit. 电机和泵应该由同一家制造商生产制造,以保证设备的质量保证不会产生扯皮现象。
- There is no implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for purpose of the product or products described herein . 对于产品的商销性或产品用途的适用性或所描述的产品并无内在保证。
- We do not give any warranty of service (although we will obviously do our best), so commercial sites may suffer for service interruptions. 我们不对服务给出如何的承诺(尽管我们当然会做得最好),因此商业的网站可能会因为服务的中断受到影响。
- The means by which the LSB achieves this is by distribution and application certification backed by a warranty of conformance. LSB实现这一点的方式是通过受一致性担保的支持的分发版和应用程序认证。
- OverlayFS and "Linux VFS Tour Unguided" http://sourceforge.net/projects/olfs I provide the shit above AS IS without warranty of any kind... 那么,除了0和-1之外的值算什么?你没有一个“只能表示0或-1的数据类型”,所以这个讨论是基于一个不存在也不可能存在的荒谬前提下的无意义争论。
- The warranty of the project funds payment is an effective way to obviate the potential obstructions and to protect the enterprises' legitimate rights. 指出工程款支付担保制度是排除潜在障碍,保证建筑企业合法权利的有效途径。
- I saw many foreign and local organizations and people repined and asked new project taker MUST careful the deadline with warranty of quality. 我曾看见过很多国外和国内的公司或个人抱怨并且要求项目“必须”按时完成,并“必须”保证质量。
- We make no representation or warranty of any kind, express or implied, that any products advertised, bought or sold is of merchantable quality and fit for any particular purpose. 我们概无就所宣传或买卖的任何产品的适售品质及是否适合作任何特定用途而作出任何形式明示或暗示的声明或保证。
- Period: Drennan supplies goods with a standard warranty of 12 months from delivery to customer or 18 months from shipment date ex-factory, whichever is shorter. 保修期限:卓尔能所提供货物的保修期为从货到客户之日起12个月,或从货物出厂之日起18个月这两个期限中较短的一个。
- Few opponents of regulation doubt the appropriateness of such judicially enforced rules as the implied warranty of fitness and safety that accompanies the sale of products. 很少有管制反对者会怀疑这些强制规定的适当性,因为那意味着伴随的健康和安全保证的产品销售。
- Mortgage is right transfer warranty type in Anglo-American legal system,it has similar as well as different with warranty of cession in civil law system. 按揭是英美法中的权利移转型担保,它与大陆法系的让与担保既有相似之处又有一些不同。
- How can I persuade you of my sincerity? 我如何能够让你相信我的诚意?
- Wardrobe After installation, manufacturers warranty cards should be issued, it is understood that Sofia warranty five years, a cluster, Fu Chen warranty of three years. 业内人士提出,选购时应对不同产品的性价比进行综合考察。