- Determination and Optimization of Acid Digestion Methods for Municipal Solid Waste Incinerator Residues 城市生活垃圾焚烧灰渣酸消解方法的确定和优化
- waste incinerator residues 垃圾焚烧灰渣
- To decommission a clinical waste incinerator. 清拆医疗废物焚化炉。
- Katou, K.;Asou, T.;Kurauchi, Y. and Sameshima, R.“Melting Municipal Solid Waste Incineration Residus by Plasma Melting Furnace with a Graphite Electrode” Thin Solid Films, Vol. 386, pp. 183-188, 2001. 何春松,电浆熔融技术处理焚化炉灰渣之实例探讨,台湾环保产业双月刊,嘉德技术开发,第十九期,2003。
- Treatment of waste incineration residues with copperas: Investigations of reaction conditions for simultaneously stabilizing different heavy metals 绿矾处理垃圾焚烧灰渣过程中重金属的同时稳定化研究
- Their complaint was about plans to build a waste incinerator in the north-west of the city, which they said could spread toxic chemicals. 他们的抱怨是关于计划在城市的北方西边建造一个废物焚化炉,他们说这样将使有毒的化学制品传播。
- G Brna, W EUison, C Jorgensen. Cleaning of Municipal Waste Incinerator Flue Gas in Europe. Conference Paper. 陈雪英;李战隆.;国外城市垃圾焚烧尾气污染防治对策
- Solid waste disposal equipments: municipal solid waste incinerator, waste trommel, and so on. 聚丙烯酰胺、聚合氯化铝(铁)、聚合硫酸亚铁等水处理药剂。
- Compared with practical data of the waste incinerator at Shanghai Pudong Airport, the calculation air mass was tallied with practical operation. 并对上海浦东机场垃圾焚烧炉的实际运行数据进行验证,结果:采用此方法计算垃圾焚烧空气量与实际运行情况相吻合。
- Test on Inorganic Salt Dissolving out of Waste Incineration Residual 垃圾焚烧残渣无机盐溶出实验
- Young Jun Park and Jong Heo, “Vitrification of fly ash from municipal solid waste incinerator”, Journal of Hazardous Materials, Vol.B91, pp. 89-93, 2002. 高思怀,苏许文,林家禾,”垃圾焚化飞灰萃取特性探讨”,第十六届废弃物处理技术研讨会,2001。
- Pretreatment and measurement methods of dioxins in air pollution control residues from waste incinerators were discussed. 讨论了垃圾焚烧飞灰中二恶英检测的预处理流程和检测方法。
- Meima, J. A. and R. N. J. Comans, “Geochemical Modeling of Weathering Reactions in Municipal Solid Waste Incinerator Bottom Ash”, Environmental Science &Technology, Vol.31, No.5, pp.1269-1276 (1997). 王鲲生、孙长荣、林凯隆、张景云、张毓舜,“都市废弃物焚化对灰渣粒径与重金属分布及溶出之探讨”,第十三届废弃物技术研讨会论文集,第463-469页,(1998)。
- Buchholz, B. A. and Landsberger, S. ”Leaching Dynamics Studies of Municipal Solid Waste Incinerator Ash”, Journal of the Air &Waste Management Association, Vol. 45, 1995, pp. 579-590. 林家禾,垃圾焚化飞灰中无机氯盐对重金属溶出之影响,硕士论文,淡江大学水资源暨环境工程系,台北,1995。
- Johnson, D. A., Brandenberger, S., and Baccini, P., 1995, Acid Neutralizing Capacity of Municipal Waste Incinerator Bottom Ash, Environment Science & Technology, Vol. 29, pp. 142-147. 高思怀、林家禾,1995,垃圾焚化飞灰中无机盐对重金属溶出之影响,第247-254页,第十届废弃物处理技术研讨会论文集。
- J. M. Chimenos, M. Segarra, M. A. Fernandez and F. Espiell, “Characterization of the bottom ash in municipal solid waste incinerator,” Journal of Hazardous Materials, A: 64, pp. 211-222, 1999. 李冠蓁,细粒径之都市垃圾焚化底灰以磷酸稳定化处理之研究,硕士论文,淡江大学水资源及环境工程学系研究所,台北,2003。
- H. A. Sloot, D. S. Kosson and O. Hjelmar, “Characteristics, treatment and utilization of residues from municipal waste incineration”, Waste Management Vol.21, pp.753-765, 2001. 江康钰,废弃物含氯成份对焚化过程重金属物种形成及分布特性影响之研究,博士论文,国立中央大学环境工程研究所,中坜,1997。
- Construction and operation of a new crematorium plus demolition of the existing crematorium which was once used as a clinical wastes incinerator . 建造及营办一所新火葬场;和拆卸现有的火葬场(此火葬场曾用作焚化医疗废物)。
- Finally, the result of recycling study of the incineration residue. 还介绍了焚烧炉渣再利用的研究成果。
- Design of Solid Waste Incineration Plant in Shuangliu Int. Airport. 双流国际机场垃圾焚烧站设计。