- The result showed that plasma treated wool had excellent ability of hydrophilicity, antistatic, easy soil release, piling-proofing, shrinking-proofing, water and oil repellence. 结果表明,低温等离子体处理对羊毛织物的亲水性、抗静电性、易去污性、抗起毛起球性、防缩性、拒水拒油性有着显著的效果,这对于提高羊毛织物的附加值有着积极的意义。
- Low temperature plasma equipment treated wool fabrics was used to study the properties of hydrophilicity, antistatic, easy soil release, pilling-proofing, shrinking-proofing, water and oil repellence. 摘要用小型实验室和大型生产化低温等离子体设备对羊毛织物进行处理,并对羊毛织物的亲水性、抗静电性、易去污性、抗起毛起球性、防缩性、拒水拒油性进行了性能测试。
- CF REPEL 3000 is a fluoro chemical resin emulsion suitable for synthetic as well as natural fibers that imparts durable water and oil repellency. CF REPEL 3000氟碳拒水拒油树脂乳液适合合成纤维面料和天然面料的拒水拒油处理。
- CF REPEL 2000 is a fluoro chemical resin emulsion suitable for synthetic as well as natural fibers that imparts durable water and oil repellency with soft touch. CF REPEL 2000是含氟树脂乳液,专用于化纤和天然纤维面料的拒油/水处理。用该产品处理后的面料手感柔软。
- It showed that ZSR could exert better water and oil repellency on cotton knits. 结果表明:整理后针织物可获得良好的拒水拒油性。
- CF REPEL 2000 imparts excellent water and oil repellency to natural fibers, mixed fibers and synthetic fibers, without damaging their original textures and permeability. CF REPEL 2000对天然纤维面料,混纺面料和化纤面料具有优良的拒油/水功能。使用后不改变面料的质地和透气性。
- ZSR,a water and oil repellent organic fluorine,is used in cotton knits finishing. 采用奥利氟宝ZSR有机氟拒水拒油剂对纯棉针织物整理;
- ZSR, a water and oil repellent organic fluorine, is used in cotton knits finishing. 采用奥利氟宝ZSR有机氟拒水拒油剂对纯棉针织物整理;
- The influence of concentration of the finishing agent, cross-wed that ZSR could exert better water and oil repellency on cotton knits. 探讨了整理剂浓度、交联剂浓度、焙烘温度等对整理效果的影响,并在此基础上优化工艺参数。结果表明:整理后针织物可获得良好的拒水拒油性。
- Chem-Dry's Fabric Protector protects your upholstery by forming a water and oil repellent barrier on the surface of your upholstery material. 肯洁布艺家具保护剂通过在布艺家具表面形成一个访油和水的保护层来保护您的家具。
- It has been known that fluorocarbons have an extremely low surface free energy and they are widely applied for water and oil repellent finishing. 众所周知,氟碳化合物具有极低的表面张力,因此广泛用于拒水拒油整理。
- Along with the improvement of people s living standard,fluorine-containing finishing agents with excellent water and oil repellency and(or)new function are demanding. 随着人们生活水平的提高,一方面人们对拒水拒油整理效果提出了更高的要求,另一方面人们对具有新功能的含氟整理剂也提出了需求。
- Effect of thermal treatment on recovery of water and oil repellence of textiles 热处理对纺织品拒水拒油功能的回复作用
- The water and oil repellent properties and development of fluorine-containing textile finishing agent were introduced. Synthesis methods of textile finishing agents were emphasized and finishing technology was also presented. 摘要概述了含氟织物整理剂的拒油拒水性能及国内外进展,重点介绍了含氟织物整理剂的制备方法,并对织物整理剂整理工艺做了简单的介绍。
- Milk,water and oil are liquid while wood,iron and glass are solid. 牛奶、水和油是液体,而木头、铁和玻璃是固体。
- Keywords cattle nubuck sofa leather liming bating retanning buffing water and oil repellence dry; 黄牛磨砂沙发革;浸灰;软化;复鞣;磨革;防水防油;干燥;
- Grinding wheels should be kept away from water and oil. 不让磨轮沾上水和油。
- Abrasive wheels must be kept away from water and oil. 不让磨轮沾水和油。
- Good water, oil, alternating water and oil resistance. 良好的耐油性、耐水性、耐油、水交替腐蚀性。
- water and oil repellent finishing 拒水拒油整理剂