- It is composed of a boardwalk that “floats” over a shallow water feature. 它由“漂浮”在一个浅浅的水景之上的木板铺成的散步道组成。
- SOUTH VIEWING NODE This water edge node will have dramatic views of the water feature cascades. 南面观景点在这个位于水岸的观景点,跌水的生动效果将一览无余。
- The Aqua Lounge, with its running water feature and live music in the evening, is a relaxing bar at the heart of the hotel. 水韵吧,潺潺流水营造出轻松惬意的氛围,晚间现场演奏让您倍添活力。
- Venice Garden This residential courtyard will have a Venice-styled flowering lawn along the water feature and also a Venice-styled pavilion. 商业区 商业区以简单线条为主,展现现代风格的设计。林荫树及花架给予在这里购物的人一个舒适的环境。
- This grandiose water feature is an apt fixture in a city whose landscape is dominated by the ghostly Mount Ararat, thought to be the resting place of Noah's Ark. 埃里温的主要景观是传说中的阿勒山,即大洪水后诺亚方舟的停靠处。这座规模宏大的喷水建筑,则是一处恰如其分的城市特色。
- Frogs will migrate to water features soon after they are established. 青蛙将此后不久移民到水特征他们被建立。
- During the summer months, our popular garden restaurant provides a green oasis with picturesque water features. 在夏季,十分受欢迎的花园餐馆会成为设有流水装置的绿洲。
- The clear water mirrored the blue sky. 清澈的水中映出蔚蓝的天空。
- Take a walk through your site looking for signs of its pre-urban landscape: topography, for example, or water features. 漫步于研究点,找寻建成城市前的风景:例如地形或水源特征。
- Standing water featured by week deoxidize-deoxidize and brackish water-saltwater is suggested for their deposition. 沉积介质为弱还原-还原、半咸水-咸水的浅湖静水环境。
- Water features along with shade structures or covered walks (trellis and pergolas) bring cooling effect into courtyards. 沿树荫道及带顶棚的小道(采用凉棚格架)会为庭院带去荫凉与清爽。
- Over the past decade, incorporating water features into the architectural landscape has become a prevailing theme. 在过去十年里将“水”融入建筑景观设计之中已经越来越成为一个流行的主题。
- The nurse diluted the drug with saline water. 护士用生理盐水把药加以稀释。
- The National Orchid Garden promises sprawling orchid displays, water features, and an exotic bromeliad collection from Central and South America. 有一个植物种类密集的原始小森林和一个胡姬(兰花)花园,反映了赤道地区植物的多样性。
- Central Water Features: Water features are built in the central area, people can stand in on the square and waterside steps to enjoy water. 中心水景:园区中心设计有中心水景,在水景旁的广场和亲水台阶可以欣赏水景动态。
- The important content of advanced prediction work is to predict the structure and water features of the badly geologic body with water. 预报含水不良地质体的结构特征和含水性是隧洞地质灾害超前预报工作的重要内容。
- Putting water in brandy is sacrilege. 在白兰地中掺水是可恶的事。
- In order to further understand the oil, gas and water features of the block, the author analyzed the NMR logging for 10 wells of the block. 为了进一步认识该区块油气水层特征,对该区块的10口井进行了核磁共振录井分析。
- Water contains hydrogen and oxygen. 水含有氢和氧。
- With a luxuriant landscaping theme featuring lush tropical foliage and water features, Ascot Park is aimed at mid to high-end homebuyers. 拥有郁郁葱葱的热带植物和水景的阿斯科特公园受到了中到高端置业人士欢迎。