- Tropical cyclones and strong monsoon winds also play a role in mixing of the water masses. 热带气旋和强烈季候风亦增强了海域水体的混汇情况。
- There are three and two kinds of different water masses in the Bering Sea and the Chukchi Sea respectively. 在白令海存在三种水团 ,而楚科奇海的水团则大致分为两类
- Internal waves, far below the surface, develop between water masses that have different densities and between which there is relative motion. 在海洋深处,内部形成的浪滔在拥有不同密度而且彼此间有着相对运动的水体中产生。
- The Pacific water enters the Arctic Ocean through the Bering Strait, influencing the sea ice, water masses and circulation in the Arctic Ocean. 太平洋水通过白令海峡进入北冰洋 ,对北冰洋的海冰、水团和环流产生重要影响。
- The water masses in the Taiwan Strait (TS) contain the Kuroshio Branch Water (KBW), the South China Sea Surface Water (SCSSW), and the China Coastal Water (CCW). 中文摘要台湾海峡受黑潮分支水、南海北部表层水和大陆沿岸水的影响,加上东亚季风的变化以及地形所控制,使得水团呈现复杂的季节变化。
- Hong Kong's waters are characterised by the interaction of oceanic and fresh water masses which vary in relative effect throughout the year. 海水与淡水间的互动作用,全年产生此消彼长的影响,因而形成香港水文地理的特色。
- In the open ocean above the deep sea bed, the vertical structure of the water mass is characterized by the presence of one of more thermoclines. 处于深海床之上的外洋中,水体的垂直结构的特点是存在一个或一个以上的温跃层。
- Owing to the relatively close condition of the sea area, water mass exchange was weakened, which caused the reduction condition of deep water. 同时由于该区域水体相对较为封闭,水体交换减弱,陆坡区海底的沉积环境基本上为还原状态。
- If cells are present in the water mass in large numbers an algal blood develops - a recurrent problem in Swedish seas and along Swedish coasts. 如果细胞大量的在水团中出现,海藻就会迅速繁殖,瑞典海域和瑞典的近海海岸就会出现另一轮的问题。
- When the water mass fraction is higher than 50%, its EC is determined only by the total ion content without connection with the moisture. 当基质质量含水率大于50%25后,电导率主要受基质内离子总量的影响,可忽略水分的影响。
- The intrusion of Kuroshio water from the Luzon Strait into the northern South China Sea is the possible source of water mass for this phenomenon. 此一南向流应是与黑潮入侵水在台湾西南海域形成顺时针旋转的反气旋式涡流有关。
- This study intends to assess the effect of water mass on the growth and nutritionalcondition of Japanese anchovy,Engraulis japonicus,larvae. 摘要本研究评估不同水团中日本鳀最近之营养状态及成长差异。
- The hydrographic feature and water masses in the Bering Sea and the Chukchi Sea are analyzed on the basis of the observations of the first Chinese National Arctic Research Expedition. 根据我国首次北极科学考察所获 CTD资料 ,分析了白令海和楚科奇海的水文特征和水团结构。
- The conclusion is that water mass depth and reduction and biocoenosis and the heat-flow of ocean-floor are very important to the development of source rocks. 认为水体浓度、还原性、生物量及海底热流体的存在是海相生烃发育的重要条件。
- The clear water mirrored the blue sky. 清澈的水中映出蔚蓝的天空。
- The pressure of inlet steam rising, the LPP of SI decreases at constant inlet water mass flux while increases at constant inlet mass flux ratio of water to steam. 引流系数随进汽压力的升高而减小,随进水压力的升高而增大,随进水温度的升高而略有下降。
- The nurse diluted the drug with saline water. 护士用生理盐水把药加以稀释。
- Putting water in brandy is sacrilege. 在白兰地中掺水是可恶的事。
- Water contains hydrogen and oxygen. 水含有氢和氧。
- He cooked the pasta in a large pan of boiling water. 他用一大锅开水煮义大利面食。