- In the energy field, in accordance with the integrated, active and prudent principle, to promote electricity, natural gas, water price reform of resource products. 在能源领域,要按照统筹兼顾、积极稳妥的原则,推进电力、天然气、水等资源性产品价格改革。
- Farmer is the main bearing party of irrigation water price, and the bearing capacity is the important factor which must be considered in the progress of water price reform and poli. 农民是灌溉水价的承受主体,其承受能力是水价改革与政策制定中必须考虑的重要因素。
- The Problem of the City Running Water Price Reform 城市自来水水价改革面临的问题
- Study of Lanzhou Water Price Reform Direction 兰州市水价改革方向研究
- Talk about the water price reform in cities 浅谈城市供水价改革
- Talk about the water price reform of China 浅谈我国水价改革
- Problems and Way out for Agricultural Water Price Reform 农业水价改革的问题与出路
- Pushing China's Water Price Reform in Light of US Experience 借鉴美国水价管理经验,推进我国水价改革
- Full Cost Price of Water and Water Price Reform in China 完全成本水价与我国的水价改革
- Object procedure and effect of water pricing reform 水价改革的目标程序及其联动效应
- Analysis of the Relationship between Agricultural Water Price Reform and Water-Saving Effect 农业水价改革与节水效果的关系分析
- Current Situation and Countermeasures of Agricultural Water Price Reform in Northwest China 西北农业水价改革的现状与对策
- Agricultural Water Price Reform: Establishing Water-using System with Economical Agriculture 农业水价改革:建立节约型农业用水制度
- Discussion on the Influence of Rural Tax-fee Reform on the Agricultural Water Price Reform of Wangwu Irrigation District of Shandong Province 试论农村税费改革对王屋灌区农业用水水价改革的影响
- water price reform 水价改革
- Price reform will be the hardest nut to crack, but we have to crack it. 物价改革是个很大的难关,但这个关非过不可。
- Hurry up Issuing of Complementary Policies for Actively Promoting Water Pricing Reform 抓紧制订配套政策积极推进水价改革
- Donation, tax, fund and higher water price are the possible payment choices. 南京市居民偏爱的支付方式依次为捐款、交税、存取基金方式及提高水价,水价上涨并不是面向公众筹集长江水质改善资金的唯一有效方式。
- Price reform will be the hardest nut to crack,but we have to crack it. 物价改革是个很大的难关,但这个关非过不可。
- It is impossible to carry out a price reform without popular support. 没有群众条件,要进行价格改革是不可能的。