- water resource area of the mid-line project 中线水源区
- Bashang Plateau,the middle of the north of the agricultural and pasturing interlaced zone,the south-east of NeiMenggu Plateau,is the windward and the water resource areas of Beijing-Tianjin and a fragile region. 坝上地处北方农牧交错带中段、内蒙古高原东南缘 ;为京津唐的上风地带和水源地 ;是典型的生态脆弱区与国家重点贫困区 ;属于大北京地区规划中北部生态旅游现代牧业功能区的一部分 .
- water resource area of the middle route of China' s South-to-North Water Transfer Project 南水北调中线水源区
- water resource area 丹江口库区
- Shaanxi water resource area 陕西水源区
- Beijing Water Resource Technology Co., Ltd. 北京水思源科技发展有限公司。
- In boundary, water resource is very rich. 境内水资源十分丰富。
- Wenzhou is rich in water resource. 温州水资源丰富。
- Wuhan,with 189 lakes,is rich in water resource. 武汉拥有189个湖,水资源丰富。
- Water is the natural source. Water Resource repr... 水,是自然之源。水源,代表了生命、纯净和活力。希望水...
- We should full the water resource. 我们应当充分利用水资源。
- Shanghai water resource area 上海市水源地
- Hey! Today's paper said that water resource will be a big problem in large city like Shanghai. Is that so? 嗨!今天的报纸说水资源将成为上海这种大城市的一个大问题,这是真的吗?
- Safety investigation of the drinking water resources area for town in Luliang City 吕梁市城市饮用水水源地安全现状调查
- Water resource was poor in the hilly area Taihang Mountains, which restricted economic development. 摘要太行山低山区干旱缺水严重,大大制约了山区经济发展。
- Study on Ecological Benefit of Forest in Water Resources Area of Shanxi Water-control Project 温州珊溪水利枢纽工程水源区森林生态效益研究
- Numeric simulation of waterpower intercept and capture engineering running in Hougao area in Dawu water resources area 大武水源地堠皋地区水力截获工程运行的数值模拟
- This country is rich in water resources. 这个国家水资源丰富。
- Do you know the actuality of water resource of China? 你知道中国的水资源状况吗?