- The State Council shall provide the specific measures for implementation of the water collection license system and the levying of water resource fees. 实施取水许可制度和征收管理水资源费的具体办法,由国务院规定。
- the change of water resources fee levy standard 水资源费征收标准变动
- Measures for the collection of water fees and water resources fees shall be stipulated by the State Council. 水费和水资源费的征收办法,由国务院规定。
- Theoretical base of water resources fee and its pricing method 水资源费征收的理论依据及定价方法
- V.Foreign-invested enterprises will be exempted from urban construction supporting fess, urban expansion fees, water resources fees as well as virescence fees. 五、对外商投资企业免征市政建设配套费、增容费、水资源费、绿化费。
- water resource fee 水资源费
- Beijing Water Resource Technology Co., Ltd. 北京水思源科技发展有限公司。
- Water resources fee shall be charged to those urban units directly drawing groundwater; 第三十五条 地区之间发生的水事纠纷, 应当本着互谅互让、 团结协作的精神协商处理;
- In boundary, water resource is very rich. 境内水资源十分丰富。
- Wenzhou is rich in water resource. 温州水资源丰富。
- character of water resources fees 性质
- Wuhan,with 189 lakes,is rich in water resource. 武汉拥有189个湖,水资源丰富。
- based on water saving in dry season,implementing changeable water resources fee levy system; 立足强化旱季节水,实施水资源费动态征收制度;
- Water is the natural source. Water Resource repr... 水,是自然之源。水源,代表了生命、纯净和活力。希望水...
- We should full the water resource. 我们应当充分利用水资源。
- Hey! Today's paper said that water resource will be a big problem in large city like Shanghai. Is that so? 嗨!今天的报纸说水资源将成为上海这种大城市的一个大问题,这是真的吗?
- Adjusting Standards of Water Resources Fee to Promote Water Resources Optimum Arrangements Within Taiyuan Water Supply Area of Wanjiazhai Yellow River Diversion Project 调整水资源费征收标准促进引黄入晋工程太原供水区水资源优化配置
- Do you know the actuality of water resource of China? 你知道中国的水资源状况吗?
- The shortage of water resource has been a worldwide problem. 淡水资源短缺是全球性问题。