- The hot water rinse was found to be indispensable to remove the soap. 为除去皂液,用热水冲洗是必要的。
- Frog is abluent behead, bloat 10 minutes with juice of a few ginger, pass with cold water rinse. 田鸡洗净斩件,用少许姜汁腌10分钟,用凉水涮过。
- Application of laminar flow operating room walls with special paint Bacteriostasis paint, bright light, color and soft and do not have to clean water rinse. 不同级别的层流系统,其控制空间环境中的空气置换率也不同,洁净度级别越高,置换率越快,反之亦然。
- Rinse your mouth with warm water. 用温水漱口。
- Give the plate a final rinse in cold water. 将餐具放在冷水里最后冲洗一次。
- Even normally efficient water rinses can leave residual acid trapped in these discontinuities after passivation. 钝化之后通常即使用足够的水冲洗也可能在小间隙中残留酸液。
- Silver can also be cleaned using hot soapy water rinsing thoroughly afterwards but it should be dried with a soft cloth, not tissue or paper towels. 银器亦可用热皂液清洁,然后再以清水冲净,唯拭干时,须使用质地柔软的布块,不宜使用纸巾或抹纸。
- After washing them in soapy water, rinse the clothes thoroughly. 衣服在肥皂水里洗过之后,要彻底冲乾净。
- Use hot water to rinse the congealed fat off the dinner plates. 用热水把菜盘上凝结的油渍冲洗掉。
- The clear water mirrored the blue sky. 清澈的水中映出蔚蓝的天空。
- The gentle discharge of new generation makeup oil, with the instant that water rinses, discharge makeup oil can become dinky Nai rice particle dispersedly. 新一代的温和卸妆油,用水冲洗的瞬间,卸妆油会分散成极小的奈米微粒。
- Especially pay attention to maintenance for pre-treatment equipment after water rinsing section , for the sake of avoiding secondary contamination on board . 并要特别注意前处理设备在水洗段以后的保养工作,以防止板面的二次污染。
- Beautiful memorandum book: Use Wen Shui to wash a hair thoroughly first, next reoccupy cold water rinses the hair, can make a hair brighter lustre, more stick take. 漂亮备忘录:先使用温水彻底清洗头发,然后再用冷水把头发冲洗一遍,能使头发更亮泽、更贴服。
- The nurse diluted the drug with saline water. 护士用生理盐水把药加以稀释。
- After washing them in soapy water, rinse the clothes out thoroughly. 衣服在肥皂水里洗过之后,要用清水彻底漂干净。
- Don't forget to rinse the clothes with clear water. 别忘了用清水把衣物漂净。
- Putting water in brandy is sacrilege. 在白兰地中掺水是可恶的事。
- Water contains hydrogen and oxygen. 水含有氢和氧。
- Don't rinse the dinner with cold water. 吃完饭别喝冷水。
- He cooked the pasta in a large pan of boiling water. 他用一大锅开水煮义大利面食。