- water testing machine 静水压力试验机
- Chengde Jingmi Precision Testing Machine Co., Ltd. 承德精密试验机有限公司。
- Chengde Precision Testing Machine Co., Ltd. 承德市精密试验机有限公司。
- Concrete bending tensile strength test machine. 混凝土抗折机。
- American AATCC assigns standard shrinkage test machine. 美国AATCC指定的标准缩水率测试机。
- To renew defective rivets and conduct water test in following places. 更换下列各处损坏的柳钉并做水压试验。
- To pass the water test the catalyst should not disintegrate or crumble. 经过泡水试验,催化剂应不开裂或破碎。
- A second more severe water test is to place the catalyst in boiling water and observe for any disintegration. 第二个更苛刻的泡水试验是将催化剂放在开水中检查有没有开裂。
- All treated water test results (both chemical and microbiological) are generally within specifications. 所有处理水的测试结果(化学和微生物)总体来说在标准范围内。
- Their fracture toughness and hardness were determined with Vicker's indentation test machine. 在维氏硬度仪上测试断裂韧性和硬度。
- Water accessories Series: If RO membranes, Water testing instrument, Pump, Water cap, Filter, Valve, UV lamp, and Various pieces of pipe materials. 水处理配件系列:如RO膜、水质检测仪器仪表、水泵、水帽、滤芯、阀门、紫外线灯管和各种材质管道件。
- The testing person uses the universal testing machine to make material mechanical testing. 化验人员用万能材料试验机做材料机械性能试验。
- Open water test and cavitation test of standard propeller 4119 are carried out in depressurized towing tank. 本文选用标准桨模4119,在减压拖曳水池进行了常压下的敞水重复试验及减压下的空泡性能试验。
- Wear Rate of Materials in Unlubricated Rubbing Contact Using a Thrust Washer Testing Machine, Test for (05. 用止推垫圈试验机测定在非润滑摩擦接触中材料的磨损率的试验(05。
- Good: All treated water test results (both chemical and microbiological) are generally within specifications. 好:所有处理水的测试结果(化学和微生物)总体来说在标准范围内。
- An investigation was made on brinell hardness test with a universal material testing machine. 根据布氏硬度试验的原理 ,提出一种在万能材料试验机上进行布氏硬度试验的方法。
- Electro-Hydraulic Servo Testing Machine controller based on DSP and ISA bus is introduced in this paper. 本文介绍了基于ISA总线和DSP器件的电液伺服动静试验机控制器的设计。
- These indications do not correspond to a diving depth, but refer to the pressure to which the overpressure water test has been done. 但这些数字不等于潜水深度,而是指进行过压防水试验的压力。
- This sign marking device installment has obtained the good actual use effect on the tire uniform testing machine. 本打标装置在轮胎均匀性试验机上取得了良好的实际使用效果。
- Savings continue to accrue from the more efficient use of chemicals avoiding over-and underfeeding, and from lower labor costs for water testing and repairs of damaged equipment. 化学药剂的高效使用会持续节约费用,避免投加过量和不足,降低实验室的检测量和设备维修量。商业泳池的操作者将节省在专业药剂,顾客投诉和卫生部门检查上的投入。