- All that is now just water under the bridge. 所有那些现在都是不可改变的既成事实
- That's all water under the bridge. 但那都是过去的事情了。
- Rushdie chimed in, "Water under the bridge. 拉什迪插话道,“那已是船过无痕的往事了。”
- Last year's dispute is (all) water under the bridge now. 去年的争论(都)已是覆水难收了。
- Last year' s dispute is ( all ) water under the bridge now. 去年的争论(都)已是覆水难收了.
- Yes,we did have our disagreements but that's water under the bridge now. 是的,我们确实有过分歧,但那都是过去的事了。
- Huh? Wait a sec! Didn't you just say this is water under the bridge? 吓?等等!你刚才不是说一笔勾销的吗?
- Please do not worry about it any more.It is all water under the bridge. 请不要再担心这件事了,都过去了。
- Ilsa: Its been a long time.Sam: Yes, maam, a lot of water under the bridge. [里克刚说完,突然呆住了,他看见了钢琴旁的依尔莎,萨姆停止弹奏,转过头惊住了。]
- The water flows under the bridge. 水在桥下流过。
- It's a pity you didn't accept Fred's offer, but it's useless to reproach yourself now. It's all water under the bridge. 你示接受弗雷德的主动表示确实是一件憾事,但事已过去,难以挽回,你自责也于事无补。
- It's a pity you didn't accept Fred's offer,but it's useless to reproach yourself now. It's all water under the bridge. 你没有接受弗雷德的主动表示确实是一件憾事,但事已过去,难以挽回,你自责也于事无补。
- There's no need to refer to what happened last year; it's all water under the bridge now. 没有必要提及去年发生的事情,那完全是早已过去的事了。
- However, crowded in upon me is your apathetic expression , as if the icy , cold ,running stilly river water under the bridge . 可是,眼前浮现的全是你冷漠的表情,一如桥下静静流走的冰冷的河水。
- He started to discuss all the difficulties we had been through, but I told him it was just so much water under the bridge and that it would be best to forget. 他开始讨论我们已经历过的一切困难, 但我告诉他, 这只不过是早已过去的事, 最好把它忘掉。
- He started talking about the atrocities he witnessed in a Nazi concentration camp, but I reminded him that it was just water under the bridge now and best if forgotten. 他开始叙述他在纳粹集中营所看到的暴行,但我提醒他那已经过去了,现在最好把它忘掉。
- A lot of water has passed under the bridge since I first came here in 1980. 自从我1980年第一次来这儿之后情况已发生了很大变化。
- A lot of water has flown under the bridge since. 自从那时起,已经过了许多时间。
- People remember the less touches and if them're dwelling on the concernful note you left, any tiny problems by oneself the way will becoming so abundance runing runing water under the bridge. 通常大部分人会记住这一些小小的感动,假如她们看你留下的感谢信,以前任务时的不快都会成了过眼云烟。
- In paris tramps often doss down under the bridges. 巴黎的流浪汉常常睡在桥下。