- Adopt Internal Control Standards, which are stricter than Water Quality Standard. 采较水质标准严格的内控标准进行内部管控。
- Under the act, DoE sets water quality standards for particular uses of water and promulgates acceptable limits for discharging and emitting waste. 依据该法案,DOE规定了特别用途的水质标准、污水排放的可接受限度。
- The model is known as the maximization of total allowable waste load, subject to meeting water quality standards at checkpoints along the river. 模型以总的允许排污量最大为目标函数,流域的水质控制点达标为约束条件。
- DEP has suggested that a long-term solution to the CSO problem include a weakening of water quality standards for certain waterbodies. 纽约市环境保护局已针对CSO问题提出一项长期的解决方案,其中还包括降低某些水质检验标准的做法。
- With the increasing recognition of Microcystins (MCs), China had added Microcystin-LR into the related water quality standards. 随着世界各国对微囊藻毒素的重视,中国也在相关水质标准里新增了微囊藻毒素这项指标。
- With the increasing recognition of microcystins, China had added microcystin-LR into the related water quality standards. 随着世界各国对微囊藻毒素的重视,中国也在相关水质标准中增添了微囊藻毒素这一指标。
- Water quality standard divides into two kind of requirements on peopl health and protection of living environment. 水质环境标准分为保护人们健康的标准和保护生活环境的标准;
- In order to recoup their losses, Ms.Ma great sense of urgency to control hot water quality standards that require developers to assume liability. 心急如焚的马女士为了挽回损失,以热水管质量不合格为由,要求开发商承担赔偿责任。
- Compared with the previous year,the total area not attaining the Grade I water quality standards reduced and the coastal pollution in certain areas remains rather serious. 与上年相比,未达到一类水质标准的海域总面积有所减少,近岸海域局部污染仍然较重。
- Chroma and turbidity in the groundwater are 1.6 times and 1.8 times respectively of those listed in the drinking water quality standard. 地下水色度超出饮用水水质标准0.;6倍,浑浊度超标0
- Compared with the previous year, the total area not attaining the Grade I water quality standards reduced and the coastal pollution in certain areas remains rather serious. 与上年相比,未达到一类水质标准的海域总面积有所减少,近岸海域局部污染仍然较重。
- Whether dosing PAC or not, the aesthetic quality and NH3-N of treated water all could reach the requirement of Water Quality Standards for Urban Water Supply (CJ/T206-2005). 连续运行的MBR不论投加PAC与否,出水的感官性状、NH3-N等指标均符合《城市供水水质标准》(CJ/T 206-2005)的要求。
- The sea area of overing 1 class of sea water quality standard were slightly minished than last year.In shore sea area were heavily polluted. 全国劣于一类海水水质标准的海域面积比上年略有减小,但近岸海域污染仍然较重,局部海域环境质量继续呈恶化趋势;
- Experiment result shows that the general monitoring index of treated effluent from MBR met the "Miscellaneous Domestic Water Quality Standard" (CJ/T48-1999). 实验结果表明:该工艺处理洗浴废水,中段MBR装置的出水常规的监测指标均已优于CJ/T48-1999 《生活杂用水水质标准》 的要求,而且水质稳定。
- The paper appraises the water quality of Taizihe river according to monitoring value and quality standard of surface water with fuzzy mathematic appraisal method. 根据太子河的监测值及地表水质量标准,采用模糊数学评价法对其进行水质评价,并详细介绍了综合评判法的具体过程。
- When discharging heated waste water into the sea,measures shall be taken to ensure that the water temperature in the adjacent fishing areas is kept within state water quality standards in order to avoid damage to the aquatic resources by heat pollution. 向海域排放含热废水,应当采取措施,保证邻近的渔业水域的水温符合国家水质标准,避免热污染对水产资源的危害。
- Under section 301(g) the EPA, with concurrence of the state, could modify such requirements for a period not extending beyond July 1, 1987, if modification would not interfere with attainment of water quality standards or pose an unacceptable health risk. 根据第301条(g),环境保护局经州政府同意,可以变更所规定的时段,但是不能超过1987年7月1日。 更改有一个条件,那就是不影响水质达标,也不增加一项不能接受的健康风险。
- In addition, all point sources were required to comply with any more stringent limitations established pursuant to state or federal law, or pursuant to section 302 in order to achieve ambient water quality standards. 另外,为了达到环境水质标准,要求所有特定污染源遵守依据州和联邦法律、或者依据经第302条而设置的更加严厉的限制。
- Ambient water quality standards were to be supplemented by discharge standards in the form of effluent limitations applicable to all" point sources"(" any discernible, confined and discrete conveyance. 以特定污染源污水限制的形式制定的排放标准,进一步完善了环境水质量标准。
- Congress had become concerned that certain waters could not meet applicable water quality standards despite the imposition of BAT requirements. 国会已经注意到,某些水体不能达到适用的水质标准,尽管强制实施了“最佳现有技术”规定。