- water distribution channel 配水槽
- Who holds the power in each distribution channel available? 谁在各个分销渠道中起控制作用?
- How much do the players in each distribution channel profit? 各个分销环节的利润是多少?
- The distribution channel is the carrier of commodity exchange. 分销渠道是企业完成其产品(服务)交换、实现价值、产生效益的重要载体。
- A new distribution channel was devised during the initial meeting. 一个新的分销渠道在启动会议上被提出。
- Chapter IV, the management of the distribution channel. 第四章为网络环境下的分销渠道管理。
- Microtectonics is an important factor to control oil water distribution. 微构造对油水的分布起着重要的控制作用。
- Water distribution rules, seemed Cobweb, a city surrounded a semicircle. 水道分布规则,状似蛛网,将城市一层一层围成半圆形。
- The company has worldwide distribution channels. 这家公司拥有遍布全世界的销售网络。
- Self-supply wells in the groundwater over-extracted area will be phased out and the reconstruction and expansion of existing water distribution network will be completed. 有计划分步骤地关停地下水超采地区部分自备井,同时对现有供水管网进行改造。
- A model of estimating the THM concentration at all nods in drinking water distribution system was established. 利用此模型结合配水管网的水力分析与计算可以求出配水管网中任一节点的THM浓度。
- In addition, enterprises in the distribution channel, facilities and order, and so on was impressive. 此外,吉利在企业布局、设施和秩序等方面给人深刻印象。
- L.W.Mays et al; Reliability analysis of water distribution system, 1989 ,ASCE, New York. 阿布拉莫夫,给水系统可靠性,董辅祥等诅,中国建筑出版社,1990.
- What is the suitable distribution channels for the WM products? 区域支行管理产品适合的分销渠道是什么?
- Experience in managing both distribution channels and direct sales. 具备管理分销商和直销商方面的经验。
- The carrier of distribution is distribution channel, which also called sales access or sales channel. 分销活动的载体即分销渠道,也称销售通路、配销渠道。
- The distribution channels of Haier underwent a development process. 海尔的销售渠道经历了一个发展过程。
- Whether a system is designed for heating, cooling or water distribution it must be properly adjusted and balanced for optimum design performance. 当一个系统用于采暖、制冷或水分配,则必须进行适当的调节和平衡以实现最佳的设计性能。
- This distribution channel enables us to guarantee you a durable, high-performance product. 这样的销售渠道确保我们能够为您提供经久耐用、表现卓越的产品。
- The water distribution system is a great underground reactor, in which the kinds of transformation of water can’t be neglectable. 供水管网是一个埋在地下的巨大反应器,水在其中的各种反应变化都是不可忽视的。