- water transmission project 输水工程
- New 220-kilovolt power transmission project cities. 新建大城市220千伏输变电工程。
- New 110 kilovolt power transmission project cities. 新建大城市110千伏输变电工程。
- Project Controls has been a key to the City of Houston's successful implementation of their multi-year and multi-phase Surface Water Transmission Program. 在休斯敦成市的地表水输送项目中,项目管理就是这一历时数年分阶段实施项目得以成功的关键因素之一。
- Tarim Basin is the main source of the west-to-east gas transmission project. 西气东输的“主力军”就是塔里木。
- The project includes the construction of 6 nos. ground reservoirs, 7 nos. water towers, pipe laying of 380 km water transmission and distribution lines, and civil construction of pumping stations etc. 该项目工程主要包括建造地面储水池6座、水塔7座、380公里输水和配水管线,及泵站等土建设施的建设。
- This paper is a practical design example for water transmission pipeline outting across spillway of one city. 本文为某市输水管线跨越水库溢洪道的工程设计实例。
- The total investment of 120 million yuan Shacheng 220-kilovolt power transmission project is nearing completion. 总投资1.;2亿元的沙城220千伏输变电工程即将竣工。
- But experts warn that a reasonable and cautious attitude must be adopted with regard to cross-regional water transmission. 但专家警告说,对跨域借水的做法,必须采取谨慎合理的态度。
- When these elevated tanks are out of service for inspection / repairs an overpressurization of the water transmission lines could occur. 当储水罐停止使用,进行检查/维修时,水的传输管线可能会产生过高的压力。
- KV power transmission project following the construction, electrical engineering fields, power equipment sales equipment maintenance. V以下输变电工程施工,电力工程预决算,电力器材销售设备维修等。
- Through simulation of the fuel cell processes, its humid property and water transmission performance can be understood and predicted. 采用工作过程数学模拟的研究方法,可以深入了解燃料电池的湿度特性和水迁移特性。
- In 1974 I took a postdoc appointment (without the doc!) At Brookhaven National Laboratory and worked on the Superconducting Power Transmission Project. 1974年,我在“Brookhaven国家实验室”获得了一个博士后职位(没有博士学位)!当时我从事“超导电力传输课题”。
- LGJK-300/50 expanded ACSR will be used for the first time in the 750V power transmission project in the Northwest Power Grid. 我国将首次在西北电网750 kV输电工程上采用LGJK-300/50扩径型钢芯铝绞线。
- By connection of water intakes of waterworks with water transmission pipelines at passing towns and cities, the largest tap water network of the province can be set up. 调水线路流经的城镇可以直接将自来水厂的取水口与调水线路相连,形成辽宁省最大的“自来水管网”。
- The simulation of UHV power transmission project from Jincheng to Jingzhou via Nanyang proves the effect of this method. 对晋东南-南阳-荆门特高压交流实验示范工程进行了仿真,结果验证了方法的有效性。
- The quotation of terms of works for a transmission project can be determined by a term of a fundamental construction unit times effecting factor. 一个输电工程项目的工期定额可以用一个基本施工单元的工期乘以影响系数来确定。
- The clear water mirrored the blue sky. 清澈的水中映出蔚蓝的天空。
- In 2008, the power sector for the Beijing-Tianjin inter-city railway construction investment Beijingnanzhan 220 kilovolt power transmission project, and so on. 2008年,电力部门又为京津城际铁路投资建设220千伏北京南站输变电工程等。
- Kuqa depression is one of the most important oil and gas-bearing area in Tarim basin, KL2 gas field in it is the source of West-East natural gas transmission project. 库车坳陷是塔里木盆地重要的含油气区,在这里发现的克拉2气田为西气东输工程奠定了资源基础。