- Discussion on Automotive Waterborne Colored Paint 汽车水性油漆实施的探讨
- waterborne colored paint 水性色漆
- The number keys all have silver colored paint on them that makes it easy to see the keypad as a normal numeric keypad. 多少都有银白色油漆钥匙,他们很容易地看到键盘数字键盘作为正常。
- Used as high gloss varnish, color paint, transparent putty and undercoat by mixed with other components. 适用于配作各种清漆、色漆、透明腻子、底漆等。
- The step of color painting may be a bit too difficult for me. 那我看彩绘部分可能对我来说也是有点儿太复杂了。
- Browse through the art vendors, colorful paintings. 浏览艺术家们丰富色彩的绘画,透过那些精致的铁门,向内偷窥那些精心照看的花园。
- Faux-naive, vibrantly colored paintings dominate this attractive international collection of 32 nursery rhymes. 这本收集了来自世界各地共32首童谣的图画书,有著生动的构图。
- Brightly colored paintings by Congo the chimpanzee are going on sale at a prestigious London auction house. 伦敦一家著名的拍卖行将出售黑猩猩刚果的色彩名艳的绘画作品。
- What color did you paint the door? 你把门漆成什么颜色?
- Qingming Festival by the Riverside is a long colored painted scroll with a length of 528 cm and a height of 248 cm. 《清明上河图》是一幅绢本设色长卷,高248厘米,长528厘米。
- Brightly colored paintings by Congo the chimpanzee are going on sale at a prestigious London auction house alongside works by Andy Warhol and Renoir. 伦敦一家著名的拍卖行将出售黑猩猩刚果的绘画作品。这些色彩明艳的绘画将同画家安廸·霍尔和雷诺阿的作品一起被拍卖。
- That's rather an effective use of color. 这种使用颜色的手法效果相当好。
- It's difficult to match the color of old paint. 很难找到和旧画颜色相配的色彩
- Used in manufacture of rubbers,ceramics,color paints,coatings, pharmaceutical,eleetromagnets,cosmetics. 橡胶、陶瓷、色漆、涂料、医药、电磁行业、化妆品等工业。
- There is a most salient feature in the kites made in Yangjiabu.It's a combination of Yangjiabu's woodblock New Year pictures and kite color painting. 杨家埠的风筝有一个最突出的特点,就是将杨家埠的木板年画儿和风筝的彩绘融合在了一起。
- From design, production, upholster,color painting to decal, we have professional technicians and advanced equipments for the whole producing process. 拥有从设计、生产到彩绘、贴花、装潢的技术人员多名。
- My parents are in agreement on what color to paint the house. 我父母亲对於用什么颜色漆房子意见一致。
- Sedimentary calcium carbonate as the filler of colored paint 色漆用填料碳酸钙
- It will feature dance and musical performances but the main theme will be color painting, and students of different age groups are also invited to participate. 有跳舞嘛有音乐演奏毋恪卡特别耶是以画彩色耶图为主,嘛有请各年纪耶学生囡仔去参加。
- With its wide streets and colorfully painted houses, the city combines Spanish and Caribbean traditions. 这座城市融合了西班牙和加勒比海的建筑传统,有着宽阔的街道和色彩缤纷的房子。