- Enemy ships tried to run the blockade. 敌军船只企图突破封锁线。
- watertight blockade 严密封锁
- Is this roof completely watertight? 这屋顶一点也不漏吗?
- I'll have watertight windows fixed. 我要装上不漏水的窗。
- They are threatening to impose a blockade on the country. 他们威胁说要对该国实行封锁。
- As soon as the alarm went, the crew raced round shutting the watertight doors. 警报一响,船员们跑来跑去把船上的密封门关紧。
- They ran a blockade and got to the border. 他们闯过封锁线来到边境地区。
- The blockade was raised last night. 封锁于昨晚解除。
- These materials need not be watertight. 这些材料无需有防水性。
- They assumed that the blockade would be lifted. 他们估计封锁将会解除。
- A tight blockade cut Napoleon's supply lines. 严密的封锁切断了拿破仑的补给线。
- The blockade prevented shipments of foreign food from reaching our shores. 封锁使国外食品不能运抵我们的海岸。
- I will have watertight windows fixed. 我要装上不漏水的窗。
- The ship was captured in running the blockade. 该船在偷越封锁线时被截获。
- The system, of course, is not watertight. 当然这套系统也不是天衣无缝的。
- She had 16 watertight compartments. 船上有16个密封舱,
- The case has to be made watertight. 案由必须做到无懈可击。
- We did all this to break the enemy's blockade. 我们这一切都是为了粉碎敌人的封锁。
- Close watertight doors and report. 关闭水密门并报告。
- No'm, dem air ain' sto's, dey's blockade awfisses. 不,小姐,那不是商店,是实施封锁办事处。