- wave generated current 波生流
- VHD - functions: the sine wave generated 156.25KHz. VHD --功能:产生156.;25KHz的正弦波。
- This, in turn, has generated current account surpluses. 这继而导致了经常账户盈余。
- These phenomena could be caused by the effect of long-period wave generated from a large earthquake on far-field. 这些可能是大震的长周期波在远场的效应所致。
- A wave generated by an oscillator and transmitted on a communications channel; it is modulated to carry speech or data. 由振荡器产生并在通讯信道上传输的电波。它被调制后用来传送语音或其它信息。
- We have general current accounts, and special current accounts. 有一般活期存款和特别活期存款。
- This type of easterly wave generated over the East China Sea,moving westward along the Yangtze River,will cause heavy precipitation over a wide area. 这类东风波产生于我国东南沿海,向西向北移动发展,深入内陆直达长江中游,造成大范围地区一次较强的降水过程。
- The one-million-second image shows a bright outer ring (green) ten light years in diameter that marks the location of a shock wave generated by the supernova explosion. 曝光100万秒的图象揭示出了直径10光年的明亮外环(绿色),这里标志着超新星爆发产生的激波起源。
- Any extraneous generated currents in the test system will add to the desired current, causing errors. 测试系统中任何额外产生的电流都会加到被测电流中去而引起误差。
- The net acts as a sail and is driven by the pressure of radio waves generated by a huge radio transmitter. 这个网在一个巨大的无线电发射器产生的无线电波压力的驱动下,像船帆一样运作。
- The rating system will automatically change to the one for a general current account. 那么利息计算系统会自动变成一般活期存款的利息。
- Well, I don't have so much money on hand.A general current seems like just the thing for me. 我目前手头没那么多钱。一般活期存款账户比较适合我。
- We propose a prism structure to couple out the surface plasmon wave generated by Kretschmann device, transfer the absorption peak to transmission peak, and efficiency of near 70% is obtained. 表面等离子波是指在金属和介质表面传播的电磁波,在垂直界面方向上呈指数衰减,本文提出了一种棱镜结构用以耦合出由Kretschmann结构产生的表面等离子波,使反射、吸收能量转化为透射光。
- In this method, shown in Figure 1-20, a current source generates current (I), which flows through the unknown resistor (RX). 在图1-20所示的这种方法中,电流源产生的电流(I)流过未知电阻器(RX)。
- By using stored logic, a hardware method is implemented for sine wave generation by superposition of 18 step pulses. 该方案用存储逻辑实现18脉冲阶梯波STATCOM脉冲发生器的硬件。
- Design using VHDL language of sine wave generator, but the basic operation of reference for learning! 利用VHDL语言设计的正弦波发生器,只是基本操作,仅供学习参考!
- The importance of detailed and accurate models for dynamic loads,tap changer control,generator current limiters and distribution systems is demonstrated in the paper. 说明了对动态负荷、有载调压变压器控制、发电机电流限制器及配电系统建立详细而精确的模型的重要性。
- Adjustable square wave generator, square wave to control the amplitude, frequency, duty cycle. 可调方波发生器,可以控制方波的幅值,频率,占空比。
- Given wind speed, duration, and fetch, it is possible to predict the size of the waves generated by a given storm. 人给出了风速,它的持续时间和吹程,就有可能预报由某一风暴产生的海浪的高度。